Joe Palencia

Below is a general overview of Academic Coaching/Services, Hours, and Contact Info:

Academic Coaching/Services

Hello! Welcome to TRiO! My name is Joe Palencia, I currently serve as an Academic Support Specialist (Academic Coach) for the TRiO Student Support Services Program at Harry S Truman College. I am a first-generation college graduate and a college student educator with over ten years of experience. In my current role, I provide academic coaching sessions that help students develop academic skills needed to be successful in college. It is important to note that academic coaching is different from academic advising or counseling. “Academic coaching is an interactive process that focuses on the personal relationship created between the student and the coach. The coach challenges the student to think about (their) personal and/or professional goals in order to relate them to (their) academic/educational goals. In this learning process, it is important for the coach to encourage the student to become more self-aware by understanding (their) strengths, values, interests, purpose, and passion.”   -National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

Services Provided

Office Hours

Mondays and Tuesdays, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (In-Person or Remote);

Wednesdays 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Remote); 

Thursdays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (In-Person or Remote);

Fridays 9:00AM – 4:00PM (In-Person or Remote)

Contact Info

Joe J. Palencia, M.Ed. (he, him, él)
Academic Support Specialist, TRiO Student Support Services

Harry S Truman College | One of the City Colleges of Chicago
1145 West Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL 60640 | Room 1435
Call: (773) 907-8804 or Text 312-970-0866 | Email:
