Get Involved!

 be A Reader Selector

Be a Reader Selector. Reader Selectors read as many of the 20-25 preliminary nominees as possible by early January. These reader selectors then vote and rank their top twelve books.  Anyone can be a reader selector.  Students, teachers, librarians, and parents can all participate! The top twelve books will become the next school year's Truman Nominees! Click here to be a reader selector!

MASL has officially voted to extend our Reader/Selector period, which is so amazing!  We will now be sending out our official ballot the first week of January and all ballots will be collected January 14.  This gives you and your students so much more time for reading!

apply to become a One year committee member

One year committee members join the committee for a one year commitment.  Each year, four committee members will be selected.  One year members read books all year long and help decide the preliminary list of nominees in August.  Responsibilities include:  attending committee meetings once or twice a year, helping out with Spring Conference, and of course, READING!