Western Region Information

Welcome Western Region Teachers!

If you are interested in joining us for Trout in the Classroom 2024 we would love to have you! 

We are trying to accommodate as many classrooms as we can for the 2024 season. All new and returning TIC teachers, please fill out this form as soon as possible. The final day to register is December 20th, 2023. Link for TIC Teacher Registration 2024: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXB8fgd7zoimPBKIgW19RtNG0b4OfGKBMn09jIh9VmaHU1DA/viewform?usp=sf_link

This year, we are asking teachers to fill out this separate registration form if you would like to have a live trout release field trip. Please register using this link no later than January 31st, 2024. Link to sign up for a live trout release: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9g7ZS5ZxqiGjBAfwNHSFN0M7ekxgz6KGbkkG340YQMG3-zg/viewform?usp=sf_link

All teachers confirmed and registered to participate by December 20th, 2023 will receive an email from Jan Nemec that week with all information needed for the season ahead. This email will contain all the information you need to get your tank ready, along with information on our virtual webinar series and registering your class for a trout release. 

Upcoming Events: 

If you are planning on having a tank this year, or joining us virtually, please make sure to fill out our registration form linked above. 

Egg Day will be January 23, 2024!!

This year we will be offering a Community Trout Release! In case your class cannot have a field trip, we will offer a community-wide release of our Trout on a Saturday in March, open for all students and educators. Stay tuned for details!

Virtual Learning Opportunities

NDOW will host 7 virtual learning opportunities for your students! Our Southern and Western region angler education coordinators will be teaming up to provide your students the ultimate virtual TIC experience.  Every webinar will be on Zoom from 10 -11am (give or take a few minutes) and will include a Q&A session at the end.  If you miss a webinar, all webinars will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel to view the following week. Please make sure to register your class prior to the start of the webinar to ensure you receive the correct link for the class. 

Our current webinar schedule is as follows: 

January 23 - Egg Day! Lets have fun learning about how to set up an artificial tank to make sure our eggs are safe and have everything they need to survive. Also learn what to expect during TIC! You will also learn about a trout's habitat needs and lifecycle. This will be a great opportunity to learn what you can expect from your eggs while they hatch and grow. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZpTqPFa8R4mPBTj4WUdWjQ 

January 30Discover what trout like to eat... and what like to eat trout! This webinar will discuss the food web our trout find themselves living in. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hvtNOLDRRF2zsChAguaBeA 

February 6 - Let's go fishing! Learn about fishing basics and what you need to become an expert angler. Luckily you don't have to go far to be able to fish in Nevada (even though we are one of the driest states, who knew). Learn how to fish at some of our community ponds with CK at a pond in Carson City! https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z-3BgMOURQ69iLZN6XBV9A 

February 13 - For this exciting webinar NDOW is partnering with Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB) to learn all about our watersheds and what that means not only for our trout... but us as well! We will learn more about how water quality and pollution affects our trout and us! https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QfzKDh6IRS-hZ8sirZg0mQ 

February 20 - Ever wonder what trout anatomy looks like? Join us for a live dissection of a rainbow trout. Learn what each part does for the trout and how it helps them to survive in their habitats. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vYTRGPlDT76PAuPf0OiFPA 

February 27 - NDOW raises trout for our fisheries. Learn what a fish hatchery looks like as we explore Mason Valley Fish Hatchery located in Yerington, NV. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_y4CN7J7OTUGLetVWvSdQUA 

March 5 - Now that our fish have hatched and are out of their alevin stage its time to release them. "Join" us in Reno, NV at Oxbow Nature Study Area and help us decide where we should release our fish. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C-T2k2O4Ss2kQd762OFW_w 

We hope to "see" you there! 

Western Region TIC Trout Cam

We will have an NDOW office virtual stream this year for classes who can't have a tank in their classroom. We will live stream our tank on YouTube so you can follow along with our eggs progress. 

Meet Your Angler Education Coordinator:

Jan Nemec



Meet Your Wildlife Education Coordinator:

Margaret Lord 

