How to Set-up Your Tank

Equipment Checklist


Tank– Standard 10 gallon glass aquarium 20" x 10" x 12" 

Chiller (1/10 or 1/13 HP) - Chiller cools the water to a temperature between 50-55 degrees. *Set to 52 degrees or whatever your regional coordinator recommends for your region.

Powerhead(s) / Water Pump (75-150 GPH) - pushes water out of the tank through the chiller and back to the aquarium. 

Powerhead (s) / Aerator (75-150 GPH) – Adds oxygen to the tank or "bubbles". Has a small clear tube with a black cap or "airstone" attached at the end. 

Airline tubing  (10’ vinyl or silicone; 1/2" OD/ 5/8" ID) - Chiller hose out/ chiller return line. Attaches to chiller. 

Aquarium Gravel – Pea size, natural color. A few scattered large stones can help provide cover. Aquarium gravel provides a bed for the eggs in addition to acting as a natural filter.

Bucket (5-Gallon preferably w/lid) – Buckets are used for water changes and transportation to release. 

Foam Insulation (see diagram below) - Used to create a cover for your tank. Limits light exposure for your eggs. 

Bleach -1/4 cup per 5 gallons of water when disinfecting the aquarium and all equipment.


Aquarium Salt - follow directions on packaging. Used for disinfection. 

Water Conditioner (Seachem Neutral Regulator  or API) -4 tsp. dissolved per 5 Gallons of tap water. Allow 15 minutes minimum to dissolve in tap water.

Water parameter test strips (API 5-in-1) - monitoring water parameters 

Aquarium Net – Small fine mesh.

Turkey Baster – Removing dead eggs.

Aquarium Thermometer – Insures your chiller is working properly. Should read 57-59 degrees.

Small aquarium siphon/vacuum – Used for water changes when fish are free swimming.


Hose clamps - helps seal airline tubing at connection points, if needed

Battery Powered Air Pump – Acts as a back-up air supply to your tank in power outage. Provides air to the fry when transporting them to your release.

Bait Bucket with built in Battery-powered Air Pump (Frabill 4825 Insulated Bait Bucket with Built in Aerator, 1.3 gal) – provides easy  transport  of  fry  to  release  site 

Velcro Strap – Keeps the chiller return line from slipping out of the tank

Set-up Tank (front view)

Set-up Tank (overhead view)

TIC tank set-up.mp4

Recorded Tank Set-up Video 

*Please Note: You may not have all components shown in this video, however, the setup process is relatively the same. 

Tank Cover Measurements.pdf

Tank Cover Measurements 

Template for Measurements 

Pages from TIC Teacher Handbook _ Updates_NSJ.pdf

Caring for Your Tank 

Setup, Breakdown, and Everything In-between 

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