Yang-Style Tai Chi Chuan 24 Forms

Health Benefits

Tai Chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.” As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention — as in some kinds of meditation — on your bodily sensations.

In 136 patients who’d had a stroke at least six months earlier, 12 weeks of Tai Chi improved standing balance more than a general exercise program that entailed breathing, stretching, and mobilizing muscles and joints involved in sitting and walking.[1,14]

When we consciously and mindfully focus on our breathing, a rhythmic pattern of healthy heart rate variability (HRV) and healthy immune function result.[3, 11] And that mean a longer and healthier life. For cancer and fibromyalgia patients, you can also slow your heart rate by deep breathing to reduce pain.[2,3,8]


In Yang-Style Tai Chi Chuan, it is composed of 24 forms. Starting at the starting position facing front, you move from right to left and then left to right on approximately a line as shown in the diagram (see [12] to learn in which direction you should face with each form). When you finish, your final position is about one step to the left of your starting position. So, if you have a free space of roughly 20 feet x 6 feet, you can practice it.  

How to Learn It

The best way to learn Yang-Style Tai Chi Chuan is to learn the whole session in 8 parts. Below you can find 8 parts of teaching video in Chinese taught by master 李德印 and demonstrated by student 邱慧芳. 

1. 起势

2. 左右野马分鬃

3. 白鹤亮翅

taichi 24 forms part 1 a

taichi 24 forms part 1 b

4. 左右搂膝拗步

5. 手挥琵琶

6. 左右倒卷肱

taichi 24 forms part 2 a

taichi 24 forms part 2 b

7. 左揽雀尾

8. 右揽雀尾

taichi 24 forms part 3 a

taichi 24 forms part 3 b

9. 单鞭

10. 云手

11. 单鞭

taichi 24 forms part 4 a

taichi 24 forms part 4 b

12. 高探马

13. 右蹬脚

14. 双峰贯耳

15. 转身左蹬脚

taichi 24 forms part 5 a

taichi 24 forms part 5 b

16. 左下势独立

17. 右下势独立

taichi 24 forms part 6 a

taichi 24 forms part 6 b

18. 右左玉女穿梭

19. 海底针

20. 闪通臂

taichi 24 forms part 7 a

taichi 24 forms part 7 b

21. 转身搬拦捶

22. 如封似闭

24. 十字手

24. 收势

taichi 24 forms part 8 a

taichi 24 forms part 8 b
