Importance of Colonoscopy

Do you know that a health conscientious person like Dr Oz had a pre-cancerous polyp removed during his colonoscopy exam?  

Do you know that colon cancer is not a pleasant way to die[5]?  

Do you know that if you are 50 years old or older, you should have colonoscopy exam done every 10 years?  

If all your answers are no's, you'd better read a companion article "Colon Cancer and Its Prevention" first.  In this article, I will share my own experience of taking a colonoscopy exam.  Hope this will help remove some of the fears that you may face for this intrusive exam.

Dr Oz

At Dr Oz's TV show, he had his colonoscopy exam recorded and broadcast in public because he wanted people be aware of the importance of this procedure .  Unfortunately, he has been found to have a pre-cancerous polyp (i.e., mushroom-like).  Note that it is estimated that it could take colorectal polyps to turn into cancer in about 10 years.

Under the good care of his surgeon, that polyp was successfully removed and sent for biopsy.  The diagnosis came back from the biopsy was positive [4].  Therefore, Dr Oz needed to go back for follow-up examinations regularly.

Even Dr Oz who is well-known for eating and exercising well, he cannot escape the shadows of colon cancer.  Therefore, taking colonoscopy exam after 50 years old or older is essential and can be life-saving for you[6].

My Personal Experience

The entire stay at the hospital only took about 2 to 3 hours.  After checking in, I was asked to lie down on a bed.  After some simple check-ups by the nurse, she started an IV to prepare me for the general anesthesia.  While lying and waiting, I've overheard an elder telling the nurse that she tends to be sedated easily and she asked the nurse to make sure wake her up after the exam.  I guess this was not her first time  However, you can tell she was nervous.  So was I.  This colonoscopy (or general anesthesia) was my first time.  I tried to calm myself down by breathing exercise[2].

After being pushed into the procedure room, I was still awake and both doctor and nurses chatted with me.  I told the doctor that I watched Dr Oz's TV show and he told me that he was incidentally with Dr. Oz last week.  Anyway, my general mood was relaxed, but with a bit anxiety.  Then the nurse told me that I'll be put in general anesthesia and she then proceeded with that.

I had a good sleep, which describes how I felt during the procedure.  But, I was not fully asleep because I remembered I saw something during the procedure.  I guess I've tried to open my eye to watch what's going on.  After I became awake, I was already in the recovery room.  I was fine and soon be released from the hospital.  My wife had driven me home as required.

Colonoscopy Preparation

As described above, going through the exam in the hospital is not very story-telling.  However, the preparation before the exam is.  The whole preparation experience can be described as if you had a very bad diarrhea.

The colon must be free of solid matter for the test to be performed properly.  So, most hospitals ask patients to go through a 5-day preparation procedure (note that each hospital's medication and diet instructions may differ).  Here I describe what I've gone through [3].

Check List
