Stress Triggers

The stress response is not only elicited as a response to psychological threats. It also occurs when the physiology is exposed to damaging conditions or disturbances that threaten to throw it out of balance. Thus the stress response occurs at e.g. physical exertion, physical trauma, extreme heat or cold, diet, environment and when the body is diseased. In summary, stress triggers can be from different sources: chemical, physical, nutritional, financial, or psychological. While short term stress is healthy, long term stress or chronic stress trigger diseases and cause faster aging. 

Stress Triggers

One of the the biggest stress trigger (or stressor) can be the food we eat. The stress response in our body created by "foreign" molecules in food is called xenohormesis[6]. The concept of xenohormesis describes the effect of these foreign molecules on our biology. They produce a stress response triggering the whole cascade of stress-related cellular signals that makes us sick. Dr. Rawlings has listed the following substances that most commonly cause a defensive reaction [9]:

In addition, stressors also include:
