Why You Need To Install A Hands-Free Faucet

Invention and innovation have helped create some amazing devices. The plumbing industry has not been left behind by the ongoing technological wave. We now have some truly fascinating plumbing fixtures and appliances that are designed to conserve water and energy and also to make things easier in our lives. Some of the most popular modern plumbing fixtures and appliances are tested and approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These include all WaterSense and Energy Star rated plumbing fixtures and appliances. But we also have other highly innovative fixtures like the touchless hands-free faucet. The hands-free faucet opens and shuts off automatically. It detects your presence and releases water for you. It then shuts off automatically when you are done. The hands-free faucet offers the following advantages to the user.

Personal Hygiene

The first thing that you should know about faucets is that they can be quite dirty. This is especially true for those faucets that are installed in public or commercial buildings. The top control parts of a faucet can be infected by all kinds of germs. This is due to the fact that many people touch this part when their hands are dirty and they do not bother to clean it after washing up. One of the main reasons why the touchless faucet was invented was to curb germ transfer between users of a faucet. The hands-free faucet does not require you to manually turn it on or off. This means that you do not have to touch any part of the faucet when using it or even after using it. This keeps your hands safe and germfree when using the faucet and even after using it. If you really want to maintain your personal hygiene and avoid germs, install a touchless hands-free faucet in your home or commercial building.

Water Conservation

One of the main advantages of installing a hands-free faucet is to conserve water. As any plumber in Townsville will tell you, water conservation is a really big deal. Water is a limited resource. It's also very essential in nature. As such, we all have a responsibility to conserve water. We waste a lot of water when turning on and off the faucets in our houses. After you are done using the tap, you will spend a few extra seconds turning it off. Some water is lost during this time. When combined, this little amount of water becomes gallons in a day or so. The touchless faucet turns itself on and off when you need it. There is no delay in cutting off the water flow. A hands-free faucet will help you save a lot of water, and is a plumbing installation that can help cut down on the spread of germs.

Keep The Faucet Clean

When people keep touching a faucet either when turning it on or off; it becomes dirty. It develops all kinds of dirt stains and other marks. This undermines the look of your kitchen and bathroom faucets. The touchless faucet is not touched by anyone. It retains its new look for many years.

Easy To Operate

As you can easily guess, the hands-free faucet is very easy to use. You simply put your hands below it and it produces water. This makes this device easy to use even for kids and for the invalid.