How To Prevent Clogs In Your Drains

Clogs are some of the most common and most annoying plumbing problems at home. Clogs are any solid materials that are trapped inside the pipes in your home plumbing system. This solid debris accumulates and blocks the flow of water or liquid waste in the plumbing system. Clogs usually occur in the drainage and sewer system. But you can also suffer clogs in the water supply pipes if the water flowing in the pipes freezes and turns into solid ice. This is a very common plumbing problem during the cold winter season and it's called frozen pipes. Anyway, today we are only interested in clogs that occur in the drainage and sewer system.

We are actually going to look at clogging problems in your plumbing drains. This means that we are only interested in clogs that occur in your kitchen drains, bathroom drains, and floor drains. We are not going to discuss toilet clogs here because we have already covered this topic many times in the past. Kitchen and bathroom drain clogs are very common. You can always try to unclog these drains using liquid durian cleaners, plumber's snakes, plungers etc. But it's always better to prevent a plumbing problem instead of fixing one. That is why we are going to discuss various ways of preventing clogs in your kitchen and bathroom drains.

Responsible Waste Disposal

Kitchen drain clogs occur in the sink drains. They are mainly caused by careless food waste disposal habits. Most people use garbage disposal units to shred organic food particles before disposing it in the drainage system. And while this device is capable of shredding most organic foods, some foods can be quite problematic. You should always avoid dumping oils, fats, and greases in your kitchen drains or in your garbage disposal. Coffee grounds should not go into your garbage disposal. Dump these waste products in your trash bin to avoid clogging your kitchen drains.

Trap Hairs In The Bathroom

When it comes to bathroom drains, you should ensure that small soap remnants and hair do not go down the drains. These are the main causes of bathroom drain clogs. You should install a wire mesh filter on your bathroom drains to trap all the hairs and soap remnants before they go down and clog your bathroom drains.

Install Floor Drain Covers

Floor drains can also become clogged by solid debris. If you have floor drains in your laundry room, basement, or anywhere else in the house. Make sure that they are all covered with floor drain covers. You should avoid sweeping debris into these floor drains to avoid clogs in your home plumbing system.

Routine Drain Cleaning

In order to prevent frequent drain clogs in your house, you should conduct routine drain cleaning at least twice a year. You can clean your entire drainage system using various drain cleaners. But it's highly advisable to hire a professional plumber for the job.

Repair/Replace Broken Drains

Another common cause of drain clogging is broken drains and drainage pipes. You should hire a local Townsville plumbing company to inspect your drainage system from time to time. And if they find any broken drains or drainage pipes, they should repair or replace them as soon as possible.