Care And Maintenances Tips To Increase The Lifespan Of Your Septic Tank

The septic tank is one of the most important sewer system installations. The septic tank plays a very important role in waste disposal at home. The private septic tank is installed in a homestead that is not connected to the municipal sewer system. In such a scenario, all the waste that is drained from the house by the sewer system ends up in the septic tank. A septic tank usually features an outlet pipe that drains the nutrient-rich liquid waste to a nearby drain field. This waste is absorbed by the soil and all the harmful microorganisms are filtered naturally before it reaches the water table. Most of the solid waste settles at the bottom of the septic tank and only the liquid waste is emptied in the drain field. If you are not connected to the municipal sewer system, then you rely on your private septic tank for efficient waste disposal.

The septic tank offers an eco-friendly way of disposing human waste from the house to the natural ground. The septic tank is one of the critical plumbing installations that you should inspect before buying a house. And even after buying the house, you should always observe the following care and maintenance tips for your septic tank to increase its lifespan.

Responsible Flushing And Waste Disposal

You should avoid disposing of any other waste expect human waste in your sewer system. You should only flush human waste and tissue paper in the toilet. All other waste like paper and cloth napkins, feminine products, and solid food remains should not be flushed down the toilet. You should also consider using the garbage can more often than your garbage disposal unit. Avoid dumping fats, oils, and greases in your sink drains because these will coagulate in your sewer system and cause clogs, which will undermine the functionality of the septic tank. You should install shower drain traps to avoid hair and soap remnants from flowing down your drains.

Timely Repairs

You should never hesitate to call a sewer line plumber to inspect and fix a faulty septic tank. Even if you are not sure where the problem is, call a professional plumber who offers Townsville drain cleaning and sewer services to check out the condition of your septic tank any time you detect or suspect a malfunction.

Quality Drainage And Sewer System

You should install a high quality drainage and sewer system to support your private septic tank. This means that you should only install high quality drainage and sewer lines to ensure that all the waste flowing from your house is properly carried and dumped in your septic tank. Any leaky, clogged, or faulty drainage and sewer lines should be replaced immediately.

Responsible Water Consumption

In order to maintain a healthy sewer system, you should adopt responsible water consumption habits in your household. Make sure that everybody observes strict water saving measures to avoid water shortages at home. This will ensure that the drainage and sewer system is always well supplied with water for proper waste disposal.

Regular Inspection And Proper Maintenance

You should have your septic tank thoroughly inspected by a professional plumber on a regular basis. Any maintenance recommendations should be implemented as stated and as soon as possible.