Advantages Of Using All-Natural Drain Cleaners

It's recommended that you clean your drains every few months. You can also be forced to clean or clear your drains by a clog. Minor drain clogs can be solved easily using a plunger or a plumber's snake. You can also use various DIY remedies like hot water and a baking soda and vinegar solution to unlock clogged drains. There are also many commercial drain cleaners that you can use to unclog your drains. But these commercial liquid drain cleaners should only be used when it's absolutely necessary. Commercial liquid drain cleaners contain all kinds of chemicals that can damage your drain pipes, harm the environment, and even affect your health. You should always be careful when choosing these commercial drain cleaners to ensure that you choose organic varieties with minimal chemicals. But there are also many all-natural home drain cleaners that you can use at home. When you have a drain clog, you can start by using these all-natural drain cleaners to clear your drain pipes before calling a 24/7 Townsville plumber. These green, all-natural drain cleaners offer the following advantages when used properly.

They Are Cheap And Readily Available

All-natural drain cleaners are cheap and readily available. They are ordinary household products that are used for many other purposes. We are talking about simple products like salt, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and hot water. As you can see, all these products are quite cheap and readily available. You can clean your drains properly by just pouring 2-4 liters of hot water and half a cup of salt into your drain pipes. You can also pour half a cup of baking soda into your drains and then add half a cup of vinegar for a more thorough cleanup. Pour hot water after a few minutes to complete the drain cleaning process. If you do not like or have vinegar, you can use lemon juice instead. The acidic lemon juice will leave a fresh, clean smell. You can also use just water and baking soda.

No Damage To Your Drain Pipes

All-natural drain cleaners do not damage or corrode your drain pipes. Commercial liquid drain cleaners can easily damage your pipes. You should always check the chemicals listed in the label to ensure that they are not destructive. Some of these commercial drain cleaners contain very powerful chemicals that can damage your drainage and sewer pipes. But all-natural drain cleaners like salt, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, and hot water cannot damage your drain pipes.

Safe For Your Health

Some of the chemicals in commercial liquid drain cleaners can be harmful to your health. These commercial drain cleaners are quite scary considering that they can damage drain pipes. What about your body? If you do not wear protective clothing including goggles, gloves, and a face mask, the fumes produced by these commercial drain cleaners can irritate your nose, throat, lungs, and eyes. You should also protect your skin when using commercial drain cleaners. When it comes to all-natural drain cleaners, they are very safe to use.

They Are Eco-Friendly

All-natural drain cleaners are eco-friendly. Some of these commercial liquid drain cleaners can damage the environment when released. For instance, if you have a septic tank, most of the liquid waste in your home is released naturally to the soil. The chemicals in commercial drain cleaners can damage the soil and affect vegetation cover. All the all-natural drain cleaners mentioned above are environmentally friendly.