How To Conserve Water In Your Bathroom

Water is one of the most useful resources in our planet. Fresh water is a limited resource in nature. And we should always remember that the water we use at home costs money. Therefore everyone should try to conserve water at home. This will not only conserve a very important natural resource but also reduce your water bill. Most people waste water unknowingly through seemingly harmless but irresponsible water consumption habits. As a homeowner, you should try to educate everybody in your household regarding responsible water consumption habits. You should also implement strict water saving tactics at home. There are many proven water conservation tactics for the average consumer. Today we are only going to look at effective water conservation tactics for the bathroom. Let us not forget that the bathroom is one of the main water consumption sites in the house.

Turn Off All Fixtures When Not In Use

The simplest and most basic water conservation tactic is to avoid unnecessary water wastage. You can go a long way in curbing water wastage at home by ensuring that all plumbing fixtures and appliances are turned off when not in use. This will also trim your energy bill significantly. Any faucet, shower, or hose pipe should be turned off after use. In other words, you should never leave any taps or showers running when they are not in use.

Install Water Saving Bathroom Fixtures And Appliances

You should also consider installing water saving or low flow fixtures and appliances in your house. There are very many water and energy efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances in the market. You can consult any reliable Townsville plumbing company regarding the most efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances to install in your home. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) works with other regulatory bodies to test and indicate water and energy efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances. You should look for the WaterSense and Energy Star labels on any plumbing fixture or appliance to ensure that they are highly efficient.

Save Cold Water Before The Heater Is Ready

Many people leave the shower running for some time before the water is hot enough. You should never leave the shower or tap running before you home hot water heater heats up the water to the desired temperature. Instead trap the cold water with a bucket for other uses like cleaning your floors or watering your garden. You should also consider trapping the water for shaving and brushing in a container instead of using a running tap.

Go For Showers Instead Of Baths

Showers consume less water than baths. Although that long soaking bath is relaxing and therapeutically nourishing, you should try to avoid it. Go for the water saving showers and keep the bubble baths to a minimum.

Take Fewer Showers

And while we are still talking about showers and baths, these should also be reduced. You do not need to take several showers a day. In fact you do not need to shower daily. You should consider showering every other day to conserve water.

Timely Leak Repairs

All water leaks should be fixed immediately. You should inspect all your water supply pipes and plumbing fixtures and appliances to ensure that they are not leaking. And if you discover any leaks, call a local professional plumber immediately for repairs.