4 Common Causes Of Kitchen And Bathroom Drain Clogs

Drain clogs are very common and sometimes very serious. Drain clogs usually occur in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Kitchen drain clogs occur at the kitchen sinks. They are usually referred to as sink drain clogs. Bathroom drain clogs usually occur at the showers. They are usually referred to as shower drain clogs. We also have bathtub drain clogs in the bathroom. Most drain clogs are caused by carelessness and negligence. Most sink drain clogs are caused by poor waste disposal habits. This is where you find people dumping all kinds of waste in their sink drains. Bathroom drain clogs can be excused because they usually build up over a long period of time. But they can still be prevented by proper waste disposal and by being more careful about what goes down your shower or bathroom drains. Some drain clogs can be fixed easily using a plunger. You do not need to call a professional plumber to plunge your clogged drains. Just use a sink or shower plunger to dislodge the clog. You can also use a plumber's snake to unclog your kitchen and bathroom drains. A baking soda and vinegar solution can also clear your clogged drains. Not to mention chemical drain cleaners from your local hardware store. If all these DIY solutions fail, you have no choice but to pay for professional Townsville plumbing repairs. Remember that all types of drain clogs can deteriorate and cause sewer backups if not fixed immediately. Let us now look at some of the most common causes of kitchen and bathroom drain clogs.

Greases, Fats, And Oils

Kitchen drain clogs are usually caused by the accumulation of greases, fats, and oils in the kitchen drainage pipes. Many people have a habit of dumping grease in their kitchen sinks. This is a fine example of how carelessness and negligence causes drain clogs. Greases, fats, and oils should not be disposed in your drain pipes. You should keep a tin of some sort near your kitchen sinks. Dump all greases, fats, and oils in this tin instead of disposing it in your kitchen sinks. Once the tin is full, put it in your garbage bin with the rest of your solid waste.


Hair seems like such a harmless item in your drainage and sewer system. You cannot imagine the kind of damage that a strand of hair can do in your sewer lines. Well, it takes more than one strand to clog your sewer system. These hairs become entangled and trap all kinds of solid objects in your drainage and sewer lines. In the end, these hairs act like fishing nets trapping everything that is trying to flow through your sewer lines. The main source of hair is the bathroom. You should avoid dumping hairs in your shower and bathtub drains to avoid clogs. Dental floss is another major cause of clogging in your drainage and sewer system.


Solid soap remnants are the main causes of clogs in the bathroom. These soaps combine together with other solid waste in your drainage and sewer system thereby causing clogs. Install a shower drain trap to catch all those tiny bits of soap before they drain down your sewer lines.

Foreign Objects

Sometimes we accidentally drop solid objects in our kitchen and bathroom drains. Toys, rings, jewelry, and all other foreign objects can cause clogging in your drainage and sewer system.