Exhibit 8

Proximity: Put date next to deadline announcement to show a relation. The image is there to attract attention, and a relation becomes apparent when you read the text., left icon somewhat close to text to show relation. The arrow and dropped block brings the image closer to the text.

Alignment: Aligned person icon with edges of text.

Color: Used USU navy blue, white, and yellow. The white and navy relate to the university , while the yellow is there to attract attention. The navy provides a background that makes the yellow legible.

Contrast: Contrasted values to make text legible, brightness in the yellow text with the muted navy background.

Repetition: Repeated fonts between text, smooth texture in text, plain background, and icon, smooth straight and curved lines in text and icon.

Googled USU navy RGB numbers and created a plain navy background. Used Myriad Pro for the text in white and and yellow. Resized and moved text. Used icon of a person throwing away garbage, aligned image with top and bottom of text with guides dragged out from rulers. Extended the blocks the person was dropping with the content aware move tool in the extend mode, holding shift to keep the extension aligned. Aligned with top part of extended arm for length. Copied and pasted more blocks. Stacked some on the person's arm. Added a curved arrow image to indicate the dropping motion. Rotated and resized it and turned it white.
