Exhibit 4

Contrast: Contrasted black with bright pink and red, warm red and pink with cooler purple and cold black, soft and hard lines and shapes, sizes of text with other text and logo, light and dark. Used gradient to create enough contrast to separate red in the logo from the pink background.

Repetition: Repeated colors and fonts between front and back. Repeated red and tinted red (pink). Repeating shapes within logo.

Proximity: Related information is grouped on the front. Contact info is placed near the name and service. The logo is placed on the same side as the service. An explanation is placed on the back for more detail.

Alignment: Used left alignment to break of centering habit on front. Kept text aligned with other nearby text on the left for clean edges. Centered text vertically on the back because it was the central focus there. No other information was necessary.

Color: Faced additional challenge because of the (sometimes conflicting) leftist and liberal symbolism of colors. I needed some symbolism to be recognized by both leftists and the US mainstream. Planned to use bright pink, red, purple, and black. Used pink as the base for warmth, and black as the text for bold contrast. Used gradient to create enough contrast to separate red in the logo from the pink background. Used a dark purple to contrast the shape with the lighter pink background area, and the bright red in the rose.

Used color picker to pick a bright pink from an online image from Planned Parenthood, and filled the backgrounds. Used online images for both the brush and the rose icons. Selected and filled the flower and the paintbrush with colors. Used Oswald font. Created a gradient on the front of the card for contrast.
