Exhibit 3

Proximity: Text kept somewhat close to flower, used an image with multiple flowers so that they had relations to each other

Repetition: Repeated shapes, colors, soft lines, picked pink from flowers for text to show a relation

Contrast: Light and dark colors, color and black, natural and unnatural

Alignment: Kept objects around the rule of third lines, aligned edges of text with edge of branch and edge of furthest right flower

Color: Kept natural bright and medium pinks in the bleeding hearts, used a reduced opacity of one of the brighter pinks in the flowers for a softer vibe

Used a free stock image of bleeding hearts and selected the branch in focus, cut it out and moved it to a new layer. Filled the remainder of the background with black. Downloaded Balloon D Extra Bold font for the text, initially in white. On a transparent layer, selected the text and brushed on a bright pink picked from the flowers with the eyedropper. Reduced the opacity of the bright pink. Linked the pink and white text layers and re-positioned objects near rule of thirds lines, using rulers dragged from sides to keep alignments.
