Exhibit 1

Proximity: Attribution text next to Mandela quote, rays connect raised fist with book to text.

Alignment: Aligned text lines with each other, right aligned

Color: Used yellow, green, white, and off-white. Yellow is hopeful, and green is fresh and signifies growth.

Contrast: Warm and cool colors, contrasted values to make white text stand out more.

Repetition: Repeated shapes in rays, yellow from book at a reduced opacity in rays, white in text and off-white in hand and book.

Cut the raised hand with book from an online image, moved it, and scaled it up. Filled a new layer with the green from the image background. Picked the yellow from the book and followed a video tutorial to create a burst of rays, and reduced the opacity of the yellow. Used a Nelson Mandela quote found on google images. Installed Heebo from Google fonts, and made the text white. Added a little magenta to the green to make the text stand out better. Resized and moved the text. Picked the yellow from the book and brushed over the text on it, since it didn't stand out well.
