Section Events

Our Lodge is a part of Section E2, which encompasses Western Ohio, part of Northern Kentucky, and the lower peninsula of Michigan. Every year, the Section puts on an event known as a Conclave. This is an opportunity for members of all six Lodges in our Section get together for a weekend of fellowship, training, patch trading, and fun. Competition is fierce but friendly for the coveted Section Spirit Stick, and the evening shows are an experience not soon forgotten. 

The next Section E2 Conclave will be held at Camp Miakonda the weekend of May 10-12, 2024. Find more information and register for the event at 

Tindeuchen has hosted an E2 Section Leadership Seminar at Camp Miakonda in December the last two years, and we are looking forward to another great training weekend this winter. Check back here for details and registration a little later in the year.