The Valkurie Line

Brother Line of the Walkury Familia.

While the Walkury females were bred for Power, the males were often bred for Elegance. The flashier and shinier the coat, the better. Having a fighting female and a showbred male breeding partner into your home was and remains to this day a status symbol, for you held Power and Elegance in one pair.

In the past Valkurie males were just a status symbol. These flashy colored males often laid on the doorstep of their families home, showing their wealth.

In the modern days, these cats often dared to enter the fighting ring as well, competing against their ‘sisters’.

Nonetheless, even today these cats know how to shake their fur and strut their stuff. Their breeders will bet money these colorful males will turns heads anywhere they go.

Takara 30AS is a very proud cat. He doesn't tolerate disrespect at all. Fair game is fair game and if he hits you, you deserved it. Tak knows he's an eye catcher. While kept as a housepet, he still shows some fighting spirit, but less than the females of his line.
Doesn't like to lay on the bare floor, prefer pillows or blankets. Love attention, certainly hair attention.

Base Information

Valkurie males are more flashy colored then their females counterparts as for a long time, they were nothing more then a status symbol. They still share the typical Fenghuang build but often combined with a curled tail and luxurious manes. 

Yet while only a show-off element in the past, in the modern days some of these males also enter the fighting ring, showing they share the same fighting skills as their sisters. Yet it is said that a fighting male is a bit more difficult to handle then a pure show male, for he know he has claws he can use …

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +1 Agility

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- Typical Fenghuang build with lots of manes and poof.

- Flashy colored. The more color and shine, the better!

Suffix rules :

- Direct Offspring (Sons/Daughters) must carry the suffix ; "De Luna"

Breeding Rules : 

- All names should be Asian (either Japanese, Chinese or Korean).
Names are often warrior or gold/treasure related.

Valkurie Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :