The Walkury Familia

Sister familia of the Valkurie line.

The Walkury Familia is a one side of a bloodline that was bred for Power and Elegance.

On one side you had the flashy colored males, bred for display and show. While on the other side, you had the powerful females, who knew how to bat a claw.

Walkury females are a powerhouse among the families, bred to defend their house. Named after the legendary female Valkyrie warriors. Sharing their fierce personalities, these females were bred to enter the fight ring and bring honor to their families in the fighting ring.

When not sharpening their claws, these females enjoyed the attention of the family they served, bounding themselves to them and being treated like Royalty. Never disturb a resting Queen …

Determined and strong willed. Kinka 25AS knows what she wants and how she need to get it. She is a one-person cat, with maybe one or two other people she trusts. For her owner, she can jump trough fire, for others, she can be a small hell. Isn't afraid to show her fangs and claws when needed.

Bred for cat fights, this lady trows herself in a fight, but not with a mindless brain. She tries to achieve her victory with as minimal cuts as possible. Outside the ring, she can enjoy to have her fur groomed and brushed.

Base Information

The females of this line were not bred for color, but for skills. Nonetheless, over time some typical traits became standard for these cats, like their golden colored fur, Fenghuang build and a fabulous shine. Yet in the modern days, more flashy coats can be seen as well.

Yet coat color does not distinguish this familia, but their skills. These cats were bred to fight in the rings and they still do it today. Walkury females are know to be notorious fighters in the right, while being known to love a good brush time outside, enjoying their family home.

Bonus to Stats of 'Pure' Asian Blooded Females with this Familia ;

+1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +1 Agility

Notable Traits :

- Dominantly seen with the Asian Fenghuang Body type.

- Shiny Golden or other Flashy and Shimmering Colored Coats.

Suffix rules :

- Direct Offspring (Sons/Daughters) must carry the suffix ; "De Luna"

Breeding Rules : 

- All names should be Asian (either Japanese, Chinese or Korean).
Names are often warrior or gold/treasure related.