What To Do After A Truck Accident

It might be terrible if you ever get into a collision with a truck or another commercial vehicle.

Commercial trucks can result in catastrophic damage and injuries simply by virtue of their size, so it's crucial to know what to do if you've been in one.

After a truck accident, the majority of people will experience shock or an adrenaline rush.

But after these emotions pass, a lot of people wonder what they ought to do next.

Fortunately, truck accidents are significantly less common than car accidents, which happen every day.

But when they do occur, truck accidents leave its victims seriously hurt while they try to comprehend what happened and decide what to do next.

You'll likely be agitated and unable to think straight after a collision with a commercial truck driver.

However, it's still crucial to keep in mind a few steps you should take to ensure a full recovery and manage a personal injury claim.

One of those steps is to contact an Atlanta truck accident attorney.

We'll go through a few things you should do thereafter to assure your physical and financial recovery in the piece that follows.

Stay Calm

After the accident, you must try your best to maintain your composure.

One of the most crucial things you can do following a truck collision is to remain cool at the scene of the accident, even if it might seem apparent.

When emotions are involved, you may say or do something that you later regret, which could make it more difficult for you to recover damages.

Additionally, you won't be as likely to process what is happening around you.

If you feel overpowered—and you probably will—move away, take a deep breath, and avoid retaliating against the truck driver.

Don't shout and place blame.

Anything you do to exacerbate the situation could put you in danger.


Report the Crash

You must remain at the scene of the collision if you are ever in an accident with an 18-wheeler.

However, make sure you are in a secure location and, if you can, move your vehicle off the road.

Put cones around your car, ignite road flares, and turn on your hazard lights so other vehicles can see you.

This will aid in averting further accidents.

Calling 911 will allow a police officer and emergency medical personnel to be dispatched to the scene.

When an officer shows up, they will evaluate the circumstance and compile a police report.

They will then advise you on what to do next.

Allow the EMTs to provide you with the appropriate medical attention if you have been hurt.

Request a copy of the accident report from the office so you may provide it to your truck accident attorney and save it for your records.

If you have to appear in court regarding the accident, it might potentially be used as evidence.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Get a medical checkup for yourself and your passengers even if you're fortunate enough to feel OK following the collision and do not believe you require medical assistance.

It's possible that you have wounds that don't manifest right away.

It will be challenging to prove that an injury you later experience required medical attention was caused by the collision.

It may be difficult for you to recognize a major injury like internal bleeding or a traumatic brain injury that requires rapid medical attention, but a doctor will be able to make the necessary diagnosis.

Even if an EMS worker checked you on the spot, you should still go to a hospital or your doctor's office for a thorough medical checkup.


Don’t Delay Medical Treatments

We must emphasize this.

Your injuries may worsen and the insurance adjuster may contest the extent of your injuries if there is a wait between your vehicle crash and your medical appointment.

The insurance company for the trucking firm and the truck driver will presume that if you were actually hurt, you would have gone to the hospital right away.

You may be responsible for some or all of your medical costs if an insurer uses the information as justification to make a reduced settlement offer as a result of the delay.

Try to get medical attention the day after the truck accident or within 72 hours of it.

Gather Information At The Scene

Take pictures of the accident scene if you can.

Take photos of your car, the truck, your injuries, and any other objects that might be helpful, such as skidmarks or traffic signals, from different perspectives.

When the police arrive on the scene, they should also take pictures.

Inquire whether there were any witnesses to the collision and acquire their contact details as well.

This includes their names, addresses, and any other information that could be used to identify them.

Eyewitnesses and anyone else involved can be very difficult to find once you've left the site, so you need to have their contact information in case you need to get in touch with them.

Exchange Information With The Truck Driver But Don’t Make Any Statements

When you can, ask the truck driver for the following information, which you'll also need:

  • Their Name

  • Their Phone Number

  • Their Driver’s License Number

  • The License Plate Number

  • The Name of the Trucking Company

  • Their Insurance Carrier & Name of Agent

  • Their Insurance Policy Number

  • The vehicle DOT license number for the truck and trailer.

You don't need to say anything more after exchanging information.

It's preferable to avoid speaking because some things you say can be interpreted as an admission of guilt.

Even if you believe you were at blame, it's possible that a witness witnessed the other driver texting or that a stoplight wasn't functioning properly.

Even if you share some responsibility for what happened, it's a good idea to take your time, ask all the necessary questions, make sure you are in a calm frame of mind, and speak with an experienced attorney before giving any statements or talking about the event.

Report The Accident To Your Insurance Company

It's crucial to notify your insurance provider of the collision in order to ensure that your medical expenses and property losses are covered, but remember to use caution when speaking with them.

When it comes down to it, your insurance adjuster is acting in the best interests of their firm even though they may appear to be polite and well-intentioned.

That implies that it is their responsibility to ensure that they pay as little as possible.

You are under no need to speak with the truck driver's insurance provider or the trucking firm if they contact you, and you shouldn't.

Let your personal injury lawyer deal with discussions with them instead.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

In the event that you believe you are entitled to compensation for personal injuries or property damage resulting from a truck accident, you should contact an attorney with expertise in these cases as soon as possible.

The Mabra Law Firm's lawyers are committed to provide legal counsel and assisting truck accident victims in obtaining the compensation they are due.

You don't have to handle an insurance claim on your own if you're an injured accident victim seeking to file one.

Make an appointment for a free consultation with The Mabra Law Firm's truck accident lawyers, who will go over your legal options with you and assist you in recovering both physically and financially from your truck accident.