What Are The Main Causes of Car Accidents?

In the United States, car accidents are extremely common.

Although some incidents are beyond our control, many car accidents are caused by human mistake.

While many road incidents are minor, there are some that are serious and result in death.

Because your life is on the line every time you get behind the wheel, it's critical to drive cautiously and defensively while adhering to all traffic regulations.

Every time you get behind the wheel, your primary priority should be to avoid getting into a car accident.

You have the best chance of not creating a car accident if you are familiar with the most prevalent causes of automobile accidents.

Here's how to get the best car accident settlement in Atlanta.

The primary causes of road accidents will be discussed below.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has always been a prominent cause of car accidents, but it is becoming a greater hazard with each passing year.

It is much easier to put yourself in danger behind the wheel now that there are more things to distract us when driving.

Put the phone down, turn off the radio, and focus on the road when you're driving.

You can put off any phone calls, texts, or emails until you get at your location.

You also don't have to try to eat your breakfast, apply cosmetics, or read while driving.

Focus on the road because a distracted driver is equally as deadly as a drunk driver.

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Many motorists see the posted speed limit as merely a recommendation.

They believe that if they aren't travelling 10 or 20 miles per hour faster than the posted speed limit, they are driving too slowly.

These higher rates can easily result in a tragic collision, and exceeding the speed limit is an easy method to trigger a car accident that involves another person.

The faster you drive, the less control you have over your car, and the longer it will take you to react if you need to avoid an accident.

Driving Under the Influence

Drunk driving, like inattentive driving, has been a primary cause of car accidents for decades.

Drunk driving collisions are another form of accident that can be avoided totally.

Car accidents have been caused by drivers under the influence of cocaine, heroin, prescription medicines, and a variety of other drugs, in addition to alcohol.

If you're on a prescription medication, don't take one that makes you drowsy before driving.

If you're intoxicated and far from home, call a taxi, Uber, or a friend or family member who can securely transport you home.

Alternatively, wait somewhere till you can regain your sobriety and avoid being involved in a fatal car accident.

Everyone believes they can drive while inebriated and get safely at their destination, but statistics show otherwise.

Car accident attorney in Atlanta

Driver Fatigue

Many individuals are aware that driving when fatigued is dangerous, but thousands of accidents are created each year as a result of driver fatigue.

Fatigue can strike anyone at any time. It is particularly hazardous for drivers, as it impairs their ability to react to their surroundings while driving.

Sleep deprivation, late-night driving, and being exhausted from the day's activities can all slow down your response time, diminish your vigilance, and affect your focus, all of which can lead to a car accident.


Driving in the rain isn't always possible to avoid.

Avoid the slick and dangerous road conditions induced by heavy rains and storms if at all possible.

If it begins to rain while you are driving and your sight is reduced or the roads appear sloppy, pull over until the storm passes.

Also, if any area of the road appears to be flooded, do not attempt to drive through it.

Best car accident attorney in Atlanta

Running Red Lights and Stop Signs

When we're going about with our parents as kids, one of the first things we learn is that red means stop and green means go.

A car accident is almost always the result of failing to stop on red, whether it's a traffic light or a stop sign.

Every year, thousands of car accidents occur as a result of drivers disregarding stop signs and traffic signals.

Running stop signs and red lights on a regular basis raises your risk of inflicting wrongful death in a side-impact or rollover incident.

Always stop at red lights and stop signs to avoid accidents, and even if the traffic lights are green, look both ways for oncoming cars.

Aggressive Driving

Anger, anger, and impatience can all have an impact on your driving behavior.

Every year, over 5 million car accidents are caused by aggressive driving.

Aggressive driving is responsible for more than half of all fatal accidents.

The most common form of aggressive driving is speeding, which we discussed before.

Lane blocking, neglecting to indicate or give the right of way, tailgating, and disobeying traffic rules are examples of other aggressive driving behaviors.

Any of these actions can result in a crash.

If you're in a stressful driving situation or in a mood that makes you anxious and irritable, the best method to avoid driving violently is to slow down, take a deep breath, and relax.

Wrong-Way Driving and Improper Turns

Everyone makes mistakes since we're all human.

However, errors in judgment while driving might result in catastrophic accidents.

If you're traveling in a new location, pay attention to all of the street signs that warn you about one-way streets or other traffic abnormalities.

Accidents will occur if you do not get in the right lane to make a turn, do not utilize your signals properly, or do not respect traffic laws.

When making a turn, keep an eye out for traffic signs and follow the necessary right-of-way rules.

Winter Weather

When it’s cold outside, the last place you want to be is on the road.

So you’re driving safely, but you aren’t wasting any time.

But the next thing you know, you’ve hit a sheet of black ice, and your car is spinning uncontrollably.

Ice is a significant cause of traffic accidents in the wintertime.

Dangerous mixtures of snow and ice are also a recipe for a car accident.

Like rain, if you can avoid driving in snow and ice, please do so.

Reckless Driving

Driver errors and reckless driving are significant contributors to car accidents.

If you don’t pay attention while you’re driving, there’s a good chance you’ll end up in a needless car accident.

Reckless drivers who speed, change lanes without warning, or tailgate experience their fair share of car accidents.

Reckless are aggressive drivers and impatient in traffic, so be sure to keep your eye out for them and be sure you don’t become one of them.

Contact the Mabra Law Firm

The amount of car accidents that occur in the United States each year can be minimized if people understand what causes them and how to avoid them.

However, some accidents are unavoidable, and even the most experienced and cautious drivers might be engaged in a car accident as a result of another driver's negligence.

If you were injured in a vehicle accident caused by someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault party.

It's in your best interests to speak with an expert vehicle accident lawyer to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve for your losses.

Your insurance company will not take advantage of you if you have proper legal representation.

Contact the Mabra Law Firm immediately for a free consultation following an accident in Atlanta.