East Point Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in East Point - Mabra Law Firm 

Looking For A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in East Point?

You're probably experiencing pain, suffering and other hardships if you were involved in a motorcycle crash. You're already dealing with your insurance company, doctors, and your employer.

Fighting a legal case alone is the last thing that you need to do. Hiring a motorcycle accident attorney in East Point is important for your protection and financial recovery.

The Mabra Firm's skilled legal team can handle all aspects of your motorcycle accident case, from dealing with insurance companies to filling out legal documents and delivering them to you. Our motorcycle accident lawyers will work to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

We are here to help when you most need us. We offer an initial, no-obligation case review FREE for all injured victims. We will review the facts and details of your case, talk with you about them, and then help you decide the best way to proceed.

Call us at 404-344-5255 or use our online form to start your FREE consultation. We will explain why you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer at The Mabra Firm.

Why Should I Work With a Motorcycle Accident Law Firm in East Point?

Hiring a motorcycle lawyer may even be more important than hiring a car accident attorney! Working with a motorcycle accident law firm is beneficial in many ways. Still, the most important one is that you may be able get a bigger motorcycle accident settlement by the insurance company of the party at fault. 

The Role of a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in East Point

Here's how motorcycle accident lawyers can assist their clients:

Georgia law states that the driver who caused you injury (the at-fault motorist) is responsible to pay for any damages. The legal responsibility may be shared if more than one party is responsible for an accident. Each party is responsible for a certain percentage of the loss.

In order to recover compensation for injuries, victims must prove:

Insurance companies often argue that a motorcyclist was partially at fault in the accident, so they can deny a claim or pay the least amount possible. The amount of money the insurance company has to pay the claimant can be reduced if the claimant is found partially at fault.

The biker may have violated the traffic law, for example:

Regarding motorcycle accidents, it's challenging to prove your innocence. A motorcycle accident lawyer in East Point can help the victim. 

You can get help from a lawyer in several ways.

Why Should You Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in East Point as Soon as Possible

The Mabra Firm is committed to protecting our client's rights and will not stop until they win. The sooner we begin work on your motorcycle accident case, the more likely you are to win. That is why we recommend contacting a lawyer as quickly as possible following your accident.

Help in the Most Difficult Moments

Motorcycle accidents are more likely to cause serious injuries and often leave the victims in a state of confusion and pain. It can lead to the victim making harmful mistakes or overlooking important details. Contacting a motorcycle accident lawyer in East Point immediately is the best way to avoid making these mistakes.

You can get help from a motorcycle accident attorney in East Point to deal with the police and insurance. They can help you focus on the most important aspects of your case and avoid distractions.

You can work with an attorney to file your claim, preserve and collect evidence, and represent yourself in court. Hiring the best motorcycle accident attorney for your case right from the start is important.

Avoid Losing Evidence and Witnesses

It is easier to find witnesses and evidence immediately following an accident. People forget details and many businesses delete their recordings. It is impossible to collect evidence after several years.

A motorcycle accident lawyer in East Point who is experienced will begin collecting evidence immediately to help you file your claim for compensation faster. The earlier you start working with an attorney, the longer they have to collect evidence and find witnesses to prove your case.

Time is not your friend after an accident.

Don’t Miss the Statute of Limitations

Georgia law has specific deadlines for filing a claim. GA Code Section 9-3-33.3 provides two years for most injury claims. GA Code Section 9-332 provides four years to file a claim for property damage. The clock starts at the date of the accident.

The best thing to do is hire an attorney as soon as you can after the accident. You can get compensation from a motorcycle accident lawyer in East Point before it is too late.

You might be wondering what a motorcycle accident attorney costs.

Won’t Cost You Anything Up-Front

We never charge our clients for legal fees upfront. You should be able to get legal assistance when you need it, regardless of your financial circumstances.

Our personal injury attorneys work on contingency fees, which means that our fees are paid from a portion of the settlement at the end of the lawsuit. You don't pay anything if we lose a lawsuit.

Get Your Free Case Review at The Mabra Firm Today

Accidents are physically and mentally draining. You need to hire an experienced motorcycle accident attorney from East Point. The Mabra Firm will handle your case with aplomb.

Our attorneys are happy to evaluate your case without charge. Call us now at 404-344-5525 or fill out the form below for a free consultation.