Common Types of Road Collisions

Common Types of Road Collisions

Regrettably, there's no foolproof way to avoid motor vehicle accidents and potential personal injuries. Even the most cautious drivers can find themselves involved in a collision caused by a negligent driver. This article delves into the most prevalent types of accidents encountered at the Mabra Law Firm.

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Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end accidents occur when one vehicle collides with the rear of another. Typically, this happens when a trailing vehicle follows too closely behind the vehicle in front. Fault in these accidents is usually straightforward, with drivers expected to maintain a safe following distance. It's crucial not to follow too closely, as laws vary by state. Even if the lead driver stops suddenly, the rear driver is often deemed at fault.

Side-Impact Collision or T-Bone Accidents

Side-impact accidents, also known as T-bone accidents, happen when one vehicle crashes into the side of another. These collisions are particularly perilous due to limited space for absorbing impact. They often result in severe injuries or fatalities, especially at intersections when a car runs a stoplight or crashes into a vehicle with the right of way. Always exercise caution and never assume other drivers will adhere to traffic rules.

Single Vehicle Crashes

Single-vehicle crashes are another common accident type. These often result from factors like driver inattention, intoxication, distractions, mechanical failures, adverse weather conditions, or speeding. While the vehicle's driver is typically held accountable, exceptions exist. If you swerved to avoid another vehicle, a defective auto part was involved, or the road itself was hazardous, liability may fall elsewhere.

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions rank among the most frequent accident types, causing severe and sometimes fatal injuries. They occur when a vehicle loses control, a driver disregards traffic signals, or an intoxicated driver veers into oncoming traffic. These accidents usually result in irreparable damage to the vehicles involved.

What To Do After an Accident

Following an accident, seeking immediate medical care, even without apparent injuries, is vital. Many of the listed collision types can cause latent injuries, with symptoms appearing days or weeks later. Prompt treatment enhances the chances of a swift recovery. After medical care, consulting a personal injury lawyer is crucial, regardless of fault. Personal injury laws are complex and vary by state, making legal guidance essential in assessing eligibility for compensation.

Contact the Mabra Law Firm

Awareness of common car accidents helps people prepare and potentially reduce yearly accident rates. However, not all accidents can be prevented, and even experienced, defensive drivers may find themselves involved. If you've suffered injuries in an accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation. It's advisable to contact an experienced car accident lawyer to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve and prevent exploitation by insurance companies. Reach out to the Mabra Law Firm today for a Free Consultation after an Atlanta accident.