How To Get The Best Car Accident Settlement In Atlanta

If you've been hurt in a vehicle accident in Atlanta, you're probably dealing with a lot of problems.

The recovery from your bodily and emotional injuries is the most challenging part.

The last thing you want to think about while you're recovering is an insurance claim and how you'll pay for your medical care.

An Atlanta car accident lawyer can assist you in this situation.

What you do immediately following your car accident will have a big impact on the validity of your injury claim and your ability to get reasonable compensation.

We'll go over a few things you may take to improve your Atlanta accident claim in the post below.

Have a Settlement Amount in Mind

You must first determine the value of your claim before speaking with an insurance adjuster.

You must choose a minimum settlement amount that you are willing to accept.

But don't reveal that sum to your adjuster; it's only for you and your personal injury lawyers to know.

It's so you can keep your bottom line in mind when bargaining under duress.

However, you don't have to stick to the figure you've established for yourself.

You may have to lower your figure if the insurance adjuster brings out some elements you hadn't considered that obviously make your claim weaker.

If the adjuster begins with an offer that is close to or equal to your minimum, you should revise your amount upward.

Accident settlements are intricate legal matters, thus you should always retain the services of an expert automobile accident lawyer.

Atlanta car accident law firm

Don’t Accept The First Offer

Many accident victims want to get through the claims procedure as quickly as possible so they may obtain their money and get on with their lives.

The insurance company, on the other hand, will normally begin negotiations by making a low-ball offer.

This allows the adjuster to assess your understanding of the value of your claim as well as your patience.

When the initial offer is made, you must determine if it is realistic but too low, or if it is so low that they are attempting to exploit you.

You can make a counteroffer that is closer to your demand amount if the offer appears reasonable.

This communicates to the adjuster that you are willing to be reasonable and compromise.

More back-and-forth bargaining should lead to a final settlement that you both agree is fair.

When negotiating accident injury claims, don't go over all the details again; instead, focus on the most important arguments in your favor.

Substantiate Your Claim

It's critical to show that the level of your injuries corresponds to the amount of damages you want to recover when filing a claim in Atlanta.

You will have more leverage against an insurance company attempting to reduce your payout if you have a documentation trail that shows everything from your medical care to lost wages.

When an accident happens, the settlement procedure begins.

From there, until the discussions begin, you must have all of your expenses documented so that you can provide them to your attorney as proof of your injuries.

This contains ambulance receipts, medical bills such as long and short-term medical charges, medication costs, property damage, and pay stubs.

Car accident law firm in Atlanta

Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

Following your doctor's orders is another way to get the most out of personal injury claims in Atlanta.

This will not only help you live a better life, but it will also help you "mitigate your damages."

This shows you've taken reasonable steps to reduce the severity of your injury's consequences and losses.

If you don't follow your doctor's orders for medical treatment, the insurance company may claim that you made your injuries worse.

They will utilize that knowledge to offer you a settlement that is less than fair in your case.

They won't be able to provide you anything less than you deserve if you follow your doctor's directions.

Stay Off Social Media

One of the first pieces of advice you'll get from an experienced car accident lawyer is to keep your accident off of social media.

Anything you publish on social media can be used as evidence during negotiations, and especially if your case goes to trial.

Insurance investigators will also look at your family' and friends' social media accounts to see if there is any proof that contradicts the injuries you had in the collision.

If you claim to have experienced a whiplash injury as a result of a car accident but then post a video of yourself playing basketball, the insurance adjuster may use it against you.

The greatest thing you can do is avoid using social media while dealing with an insurance claim.

Send A Demand Letter To The Insurance Company

You can send a demand letter to the insurance company after you know how much your claim is worth.

You must include the following information in the demand letter:

Your injuries from the vehicle accident

continuing health problems as a result of the medical treatment you received You need to know how badly your car was damaged and how much money you lost as a result of the car accident.

Then you inform your insurance company of the amount of money you require as a result of the situation.

The insurance company will almost certainly respond with a lower offer than the one you requested in your demand letter.

As a result, you should constantly ask for 25 to 100 percent more than you would be ready to accept.

Remember that everything in your demand letter must be supported by evidence and documents.

This is usually handled by a car accident lawyer.

Emphasize Emotional Points in Your Favor

You should bring up any emotional points that support your argument during settlement negotiations.

Send the adjuster a really powerful snapshot of your wrecked car or severe injuries, for example.

Refer back to the likelihood of alcohol consumption if alcohol was found in the at-fault party's car at the accident scene.

Mention how your injury has affected your capacity to care for your child or retain job.

There is no way to put a monetary value on these things, but emotional distress can be a powerful tool in obtaining maximum recompense from an insurance company.

Hire an Attorney

You could try to negotiate an insurance settlement on your own, but hiring a lawyer with decades of expertise obtaining compensation for automobile accident injuries will almost certainly get you a better deal.

A personal injury attorney maximizes your claim's chances of success by having in-depth understanding of how to prosecute your injury case, experienced legal guidance on what steps to do next, and the ability to negotiate with insurance adjusters.

Proper legal counsel is necessary in order to enhance the chances of receiving the highest claim feasible.

After suffering an injury, you should contact a lawyer as quickly as possible.

The more time your lawyer has to collect evidence to back up your claim, the better off you'll be.

Contact The Mabra Law Firm Today

If you've been wounded in an Atlanta car accident, your primary concern should be your physical recuperation and getting back on your feet.

If your claim is being denied or undervalued by your insurance provider, contact The Mabra Law Firm for a free consultation.

When you work with an Atlanta automobile accident lawyer from our firm, you get an ally who will stand by your side throughout the legal process.

Schedule your Free Consultation with the Mabra Law Firm today at 404-344-5255 to ensure you are not taken advantage of following your vehicle accident.