June Edition 2018

Residents Battle the Grass

It would be impossible to miss the area where some of the residents in Johnstown Wood are faced with a crisis managing their lawn.

Every local estate has to fund their areas lawn maintenance and each group faces an annual struggle gathering funds from Residents.

In 2017 the area opposite the Johnstown Shopping Centre faced a similar crisis with grass growing out of control for several weeks.

Bailis Downs in 2016 intentionally let the grass grow in an attempt to illustrate to residents what happens if the majority don't act as a community to fund maintenance. Fortunately these areas are now being maintained.

Now another area is undergoing the same issues.

Viewed from a long distance the grass lawn behind the Johnstown roundabout looks ok but up close it's 2 foot high and beyond the cutting height of most lawn mowers.

The Issue

The Johnstown Wood Estate divided into sections a few years ago since they have several lawns to maintain and many homes to collect from. It was more than one group could manage alone and so they divided.

The annual bill for cutting this particular stretch along Metges Road should be €3,500 for 14 cuts with grass clippings collected. This is a huge bill when you consider this has to come from only 40 households.

Would you be prepared to contribute €90 per year ?


At the last count just over half the households showed an interest in contributing something towards this cost. We've covered this issue before and the debate as to whether Landlords or Tenants should pay will forever continue. Either way the grass will grow and what do you do if some will not help fund it?

We know that it is not the Councils responsibility to fund grass cutting and although grants do exist they generally don't amount to anything significant.

To put this lawn into perspective if it were divided equally between the households it is the equivalent of each front garden gaining an extra 50 metres of lawn!

It's far from a small plot of land.

What's going to Happen?

Those residents who are concerned are clubbing together in an effort to find a solution. It's not clear whether they'll manage to raise anywhere near enough for the entire lawn to be maintained throughout the season since the contribution amount requested is by far the highest within Johnstown.

Now that the grass has gone beyond the reasonable height of a lawnmower the first leveling cut will be very costly.


Neighbouring Resident Groups and Johnstown Tidy Towns got involved to lend a hand and offer suggestions and solutions of how to overcome the problem but it came down to a few residents taking up the challenge of knocking door 2 door asking for support.

Let it grow

The Adjudicators in last years Tidy Towns Competition commented that Johnstown has a considerable amount of cut lawn that is far more than residents could possibly use, is costly to maintain and does not encourage natural wildlife.

Long grass isn't a problem if it has been landscaped in such a way that it looks appealing. No one wants to see 6ft weeds and brambles but something similar to a golf course could be created. A long 'rough', medium areas together with short lawns with a splattering of colour from wildflowers will break up the scene.

A proposal was made where for a more reasonable €60 contribution only 50% of the lawn would need to be cut. Given that at the time of writing this less than 50% were willing to contribute it may well be the only financially viable solution.

If this proposal to allow some neatly edged areas are allowed to grow long then it may set a new precedent which other estates will follow and encourage wildlife to the area.

Time will tell how the new Resident Group fares and whether their neighbours will support them in their challenge.


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