Virtual Coaching in a Virtual World

April 2020

Throughout the month of March, schools around the country suddenly found themselves in a unique situation. Due to COVID-19, we are now learning and working from home.

As coaches, many of our coaching conversations depend on in-person communication. We read body language, facial expressions, and our questions and responses are triggered by what we read from our coachees. What does this new normal mean for coaches? In this new situation, how do we coach effectively from a distance?

While the current situation does pose a new set of challenges, there are ways to continue to support teachers virtually. A vital piece as you reach out to teachers is to let them know you are there as a support. Take steps to open communication lines. If you haven’t reached out, it’s not too late to do so! They need to know you are there and ready to assist them as they move forward.

Across the nation, we are seeing teachers make a rapid shift to remote learning. And with this sudden shift there are many different choices and challenges to be faced. Despite these new challenges, educators everywhere are sharing ideas and inspiring each other with sentiments of hope and determination to continue learning with their students. Due to recent events and changes it is readily apparent that teachers must continue to learn and grow themselves, they do not have the option to NOT learn and grow. As a coach, how can you help to support their professional learning?

Keep in mind you do not need to have all the solutions, we are all in uncharted waters today. Trust in teacher knowledge and be ready to be a sounding board for them as they work through the “how.” Everyone is learning together at a rapid pace. Promote your teacher leaders - your rockstar, go-getters are already out there finding resources and sharing them with their colleagues. Celebrate them. Appreciate them. Coaching conversations can still continue. The questioning and brainstorming that can result from these conversations will help to guide teachers as they work through their adjusted instructional plans and goals.

The amount of educational collaboration that is available all over social media has been amazing. It’s like a Fast and the Furious mad dash of resource collection. Everything feels like it must happen at high speed. Yet, it is still necessary to be cautious and conscious of quality. With the abundance of resources and tools now out there, remember to sift through and find meaning and value...don’t get distracted by the new and the shiny. And don’t feel that you must use them all. As a coach, help your teachers to see the big learning picture and make those instructional connections they need. Support teachers to continue to see the long term. How can those resources that they may start using now continue to be useful later? Could this tool or resource be of value when we return to the classroom? How could these current plans and strategies be adapted when teachers get back to their physical classroom?

On that note, I am sharing a link to a folder of remote learning resources from both my home district and from social media sources. I truly wish I could give credit to all the educators who so willingly shared their resources. The best I can do is to say a huge thank you to the education community. All educators have come together in such a terrific way, helping each other be the most amazing versions of ourselves in this unusual time.

- Ginny & Kate


Remote Learning Resource Folder

Virtual Collaboration Tips - From Innovation Challenge #7

Virtual Socratic Seminar - From Innovation Challenge #7