The Risks and Payoffs of Meaningful PL

February 2023

Recently, a teacher came to our instructional coach and me about an idea for professional learning inservice days.

WHAT IF, we asked each department to design their own professional learning. Not just ask for feedback and ideas, but actually design the sessions targeted for each department. 

So we did.

In the weeks leading up to the inservice day, we asked department leaders to discuss what this would look like with their departments. We created a spreadsheet, and as we received information back from each leader, we added it to the spreadsheet - noting where we would need instructional coach or principal support or facilitation and where we might need to bring in a guest speaker, etc. 

It was risky. It was a touch scary. 

And it was amazing. 

CTE teachers went off campus to connect and learn from businesses in the community. Our social studies department held a mini ed-camp. Our math department requested additional support implementing literacy strategies with their new curriculum. And on and on…each department requested and led targeted professional learning to meet their needs. Instructional coaches and principals supported our teachers and made it happen. We allowed the space for learning. And they did. 

Learning is MESSY. 

Risks can pay off. 

And as far as inservice days go…this was, by far, the teachers’ favorite of the year.

Go forth and learn.

 - Ginny