Are You Just a Little Bit Uncomfortable?

February 2021

I think I am constantly just outside the edge of my comfort zone. The quote, “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there” is a personal mantra. I love that quote. And I am reminded all the time of the importance of being slightly uncomfortable and the growth that happens under such circumstances.

I am reading Crucial Conversations with my book study group, and in the “Forward” written by Stephen Covey, it says, “Nothing fails like success. In other words, when a challenge in life is met by a response that is equal to it, you have success. But when the challenge moves to a higher level, the old, once successful response no longer works---it fails; thus, nothing fails like success.”


There it is.





I am also reading Inside the Magic Kingdom: Seven Keys to Disney’s Success - which will require a whole separate post later - and on p13, it says, “Just when everyone is saying how great you are is when you’re the most vulnerable.”

We are at our most vulnerable when we experience success! When we get too comfortable in what we are doing.

Don’t get me wrong - celebrate the successes. Enjoy it! Just remember not to set up permanent residence there in your rock-stardom and forget to be open to growing and trying new things.

There’s my wisdom reminder for today - remember to be open to growth.

- Ginny