Diaries of a 1st Year Principal: Finding Your Why

August 2022

In May 2021, I started a new draft of my Instructional Coach blog (Get Your PL in Gear) about finding your why. Coaching is a tough job, and I love coaching teachers. It was also the job I never knew I wanted. At that time, I wrote: “For me, this was not a job I sought out, but rather one that found me.”

That blog post draft sat open on my computer as a pinned tab for exactly one year. My entire world shifted at that moment as I made the decision to apply for and accept an open assistant principal job at my school. During that first year as an assistant principal, once in a while throughout the school year, I would look at that blog draft with just a few sentences written, and it haunted my thoughts.

I am a learner. I believe in the power of stretching yourself and growing and being deeply rooted in your “why.” My favorite quote that I use in the signature of my emails is, “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” This past year has been both the hardest thing I have ever done, and also the most amazing.

I am just beginning my 2nd year as an associate principal at a 6A high school. After the first week of my 1st year, I wasn't sure I would make it. I applied for this job because I really felt it was time. After completing my Educational Leadership coursework and degree, I held off on making the transition into an actual school administrator position. At the end of the 2020-2021 school year, it felt right. The reasons I had for not pursuing an admin position were not relevant anymore. This was the right position at the right time. I went into this year knowing it was going to be challenging, and it was an opportunity to grow and stretch. Week one was extremely difficult, and I quickly wondered if I had made the right decision. Things slowly got better and easier as I gained my footing. By January, I was questioning my life choices once again. I have never NOT wanted to go back to school. And on my first day back in January, I was close to tears almost the entire day. I did not feel ready to come back, and wondered again if this was the right decision.

However, I believe just as much in closed doors, as I do in open doors, and the path to this job has been clear. So I knew I was in the right place, even though it was hard…and I look back on the full year, and I know…this is definitely where I need to be. As a team, our Academy has successfully built and continues to refine the culture of the Arts & Comm Academy at GCHS, and that is a big thing.

What I have learned so far is that this job is THE single hardest thing I've ever done. Here are a few lessons that stick with me:

  • TIME is a commodity. No one can prepare you for the time demand.

  • Relationships matter. Above all else, making sure your teachers and students know you care about them, helps them go with you on the journey and do the hard things.

  • Nothing is normal. It truly helped me at one point that more experienced principals told me every day that they also struggle with how to navigate situations.

  • Decision Fatigue is a real thing.

  • This job takes stamina. I had no idea. And it took a few weeks to build up that stamina. I was more tired in the fall semester than I have ever been tired before – ever.

  • “Attitude reflects leadership.”

I think there is so much more that I can add…the stories I have from this year…the confidence I have worked to build both in myself and others around me. At some point along the year, I knew my blog needed to shift, but the message would not. So it sat there haunting me for the year as I figured that out. The same is still true: “For me, this was not a job I sought out, but rather one that found me.”

“Moral imperative is about meaningfulness in life and work. It consists of a strong internal commitment to accomplish something of significant value.”

—Michael Fullan

As I begin year 2, I still find myself in constant reflection of everything that was year 1. Through it all, my mantra has been Grit & Grace. My very best friend and true thought-partner sent an office warming gift to me before school started that first year and it had that simple, but powerful, phrase on it. I did not know how applicable that would become, and how important. So, how have I grown as a leader this year? I think Grit & Grace says it all.

- Ginny