Meet the staff of The Merchant

Subject to layoffs

That guy with the last name that is hard to pronounce and spell, has offers from every college on Mars, dodge ball MVP, undefeated swimmer, survivor of Mr. Baffoe's class, and actually put effort into his about me section.

James McCormac '25

Aspiring MMA fighter. Holds record for most times watching The Bee Movie in a year. Chess Grandmaster, beat Magnus Carlson on on April 1st, 2021..

Angel Reyes '25

I'm a man of few words and only those that count. Call me Boss Man.

Matt Malloy '25

The voice of the Caravan. 

Christos Dimas '25

Wannabe Coach Burke. Loves breaking his dominant hand so he can school people on the court with his left hand. Beat David Goggins in a 100 mile race. Current school representative of Nickolas Dimas '17. Only hates two things; St. Rita and Brother Rice. 

Adam Stanislawski '26

#1 theologian of the century. Goes bar-down literally every shot. Average distance of driver carry: 295 yards. Sometimes enjoys long walks in the middle of no-where. Basically the most accurate living thing to Aqua-Man. Has never ever absolutely not driven on the wrong side of the road.

Can go bar for bar with Eminem. Can go shot for shot with Larry Bird. Can go dog for dog with Joey Chestnut. You can't see him. 

Mr. Tim Baffoe '00 Moderator/Sensei/Teacher Whose Class You Heard Is Hard

A retired cage fighter, Mr. Baffoe currently teaches English, Life, and Hot Dog Sandwichry at Mount Carmel. McRib evangelist. Lurks waiting to defenestrate you for making a grammatical error. Has outstanding detentions from more than two decades ago.

Old Writers

Luis Munoz '24

100 hours of music practice a week, minimum. 100 Hours of chess practice a week, minimum. 100 hours of treadmill running a week, minimum. 176 hours of being better than Evan Wiersema a week, minimum.