Mr. Mulay running for student body president to bring 'more sizzle' 

Angel Reyes '25

With another year passing by, it's time for a new student body president to rise up for the task. A few candidates like Ryan Clark, Christos Dimas, Conor McClelland, and Aiden Correa have stepped up. But many students believe they need someone who brings more sizzle to the role. So that is why several have nominated Mr. Jack Mulay, science teacher and wrestling coach at Mount Carmel.

“I’ve become aware of the fact that these new candidates don’t really resemble what it is to be a Man of Carmel,” said Mr. Mulay after being asked why he’s running. “I hope I make Mount Carmel great again as it once was.” Mr. Mulay is a graduate so obviously he knows what Mount Carmel should look like. 

Mr. Mulay’s first step at getting this campaign rolling is by assigning roles to his freshman students.  Mateo Sanchez does print advertisements, Aaron Hyler does communications, and Mick Carr deals with events to promote campaigns. “Mr. Mulay really wants to win this campaign because he doesn't let me go home until nine pm because this campaign is getting to his head," said Aaron. “I can’t wait until it's over so I can finally go home early.”

Mr. Mulay has come up with new ideas like incorporating a new event for Spirit Week, wrestling. “I think we need something for our wrestlers during spirit week,” he says. “And why not let students wrestle teachers to let some steam out?” Mr. Mulay hopes these events can get more attention to wrestling because he feels they don’t have much attention, and hopefully attract more voters because who doesn't like to get physical?

Along with this, Mr. Mulay has come up with many creative campaigns to post on Instagram, and one of them is an Apple Fritter Review with Mr. Bax that will be a big hit among students, while also adding his slogan which reads, “Vote for me to get apple fritters. Go against me, and you get taken down.”

Seth Mendoza, who is running for vice-president with Conor McClelland, has had some words of his own after Mr. Mulay’s challenge in his slogan. Mendoza is one of the best wrestlers in the country and has won state three times, so a take down on him would be difficult. “I’d go against him any day," said Mendoza, "and I would just take him down like Colin Kelly took down Mr. Bax." If Mr. Mulay takes Mendoza on and loses, that might cost him some votes, so he has to be aware of who he’s targeting. 

Another candidate that is running has also responded to Mr. Mulay’s challenge. Aiden Correa who has sophomore Bryce Mason on his side as vice president. “If Mr. Mulay wins. I'm gonna give his wrestlers donuts when they're in season so they don’t make weight,” said Aiden Correa. “Everybody should vote for me instead because I'll be creating a super smash bros esports team.”

  Mr. Mulay has also planned for his little wrestling minions in his classes to lock Mr. Dimas in his office, and has made his minions storm around Christos like gremlins while he locks the gates to prevent him from leaving school. “Christos is the biggest threat I have in this campaign,” said Mr. Mulay after locking the gate, “and don't get me wrong he’s a great guy but I’m in it to win.” Because of these tactics other candidates have become fearful to speak out because they fear they might face the wrath of Mr. Mulay.

“I hope I do get elected because I will change this whole school around,” says Mr. Mulay. “It would mark a new beginning. Unlike other student body presidents, I would put the work in. Of course, we’d have to bully the freshman. Not me, though, because I’m a teacher.”