Students go to Extreme Measures to Bring Back Deacon (Brother) RJ 

Christos Dimas '25

On the afternoon of May 4th, Brother Ryan-Joseph Resurreccion was ordained as a Deacon for the Carmelite Order. Br. RJ has gone through seminary training for the past few years, but he previously served as a Theology instructor here at Mt. Carmel. As he was highly respected and loved by the student body, many students have been going through extreme measures to bring him back next year. 

One student, Junior Matt Malloy, decided to make a demonstration while running the Walkathon. However, instead of running the traditional 10k, Malloy kept going for an additional 20 miles. “I just felt like I should keep on running,” said junior Matt Malloy. “Someone needs to make a statement, and I figured this was the perfect time. This could get the attention of the Carmelites, and then we could work out negotiations for bringing him [Br. RJ] home.”

Malloy wasn’t the only runner who went above and beyond, as dozens of others followed suit, and a few even swam.

“Well, I have to stay in shape for next season anyways,” sophomore football player Braden Jones said. “It seemed like a great form of protest, and it definitely got the attention from the 25 college football coaches recruiting me for their defense.” Upon hearing why Jones swam a few miles in chilling water temperatures, several of the coaches personally reached out to the Prior General (leader) of the Carmelite Order to speed up Br. RJ’s return. 

While these students used their athletic talents to send a message, others took a more direct approach to trying to get Br. RJ back. Since the class of 2025 has the only remaining students taught by him, junior Leonard Siegal wanted to address them in particular. Siegal, the Campaign Manager of Student Body President candidates Christos Dimas and Marty Mann, started editing graphics and posters endorsing the Deacon’s return if his running mates are elected. 

“I haven’t even told them about this yet,” he said. “They’re just gonna find out when they print all the campaign materials. I think it will really rile up the whole school to support this cause though, and they [Dimas and Mann] will definitely win the support of the whole junior class.” 

Campaign Manager Leonard Siegal created posters (above) for Dimas and Mann’s Presidential Election without their knowing.

Some movements have gone even outside the school grounds and south to the streets of Beverly. Carmelite banners with Br. RJ’s face can be seen lining street poles on Western Avenue, and St. John Fisher and St. Barnabas students have been pulling down speed cameras throughout the neighborhood. These protests have been very effective, even gaining the support of 19th Ward Alderman and MC alum Matt O’Shea. “I’m fully in favor of breaking laws on behalf of my high school,” said the alderman.

News of these demonstrations has reached Br. RJ himself in Washington D.C. The newly-ordained Deacon has expressed interest in coming back to Mt. Carmel, as he keeps in touch with some students through his Xbox that was given to him from the Class of 2024. “Just the other day, I was playing Fortnite with Aiden Gawel, and he asked me about my future intentions on the matter,” said Br. RJ via email. “Without giving him too much detail, I hinted at my desire to teach again, but the conversation quickly ended as we got the Victory Royale.”