I won't interrupt again: a New Year's Resolution 

Mr. Bill Nolan

The PA system, unfortunately without Mr. Nolan. 

I’ve decided to make a change. The New Year has helped me work through a lot of thoughts– waking up every day over winter break to the soft chirping of birds outside my office window (I never left school) helped me realize what I need to do. The peace and quiet I found around campus on my daily walks taught me that sometimes it’s easier to find yourself in the silence. So that’s why I’ve decided to get help for my crippling PA addiction. 

Previously, I’d be on the announcements at least once a day. Letting people know that there was a student needed down in the office, or that Studium would in fact be happening that day, or even just yelling at Alec Padilla off-mic to add something not on the script for that morning’s announcements. 

A few teachers had let me know that they found this behavior… distressing, to say the least. Initially, I was informed by Dr. Jon Berry and Mr. Dominic Scheuring that it really wasn’t necessary to call these students down by the PA system and I could really just send some senior leaders to get them. However, they soon realized the truth. 

I needed the PA. If I wasn’t able to get my voice out to the masses, I felt a deep, existential fear that I wouldn’t be appreciated. Instead of just being “the assistant principal who opens the gates sometimes,” I would be like the great MC microphone voices  of our time: Kevin Jacobs, Alec Padilla, and Matt Malloy to name a few. 

I’ve gone to see my counselor, Mr. Dan LaCount, a few times to talk about it. Ever since he left his AD position I’ve been able to talk to him more about this. Struggling every day to stop myself from grabbing the mic, I just have to sit in my office and wait for something to distract me. Usually in the mornings I can get out of it by roaming the halls and catching late students, but during the middle of the day it can get to be too much. 

Sometimes I just step out and stare at the microphone, and then when Mrs. Luecker isn’t looking, I’ll turn it on. Just for a taste. I convince myself that the students need me to tell them things, that they want to hear me speak. 

So that’s why for the past month I’ve been taking it easy on the PA. Some students have told me it’s tough to remember when we have Studium without my voice, but I know that I need to practice self-control. Going on walks around the Alumni Gym track, laying in the bed in my office–these are all times that I use to stop and reflect about what being a man of Carmel is. Being responsible and in control. Men of Carmel take care of their issues and face them head on. The history of strength and respect that Carmel men show has been phenomenal. For example… 

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….and so that’s why Mr. Minogue is such a good golf coach. Anyways, that’s it from me. Happy New Year, and check your schedules for Studium instead of asking me!