Coach Anto makes his Studium wrap presents for Mr. Nolan 

Angel Reyes 25'

With another year passed, Mr. Mark Antonietti, Mount Carmel English and Mandarin teacher, has grown another year wiser, but what does that mean? As a teacher, that means finding another new bit of knowledge to pass on to his students. 

This year, Coach Anto learned how to crisply wrap gifts, and he is passing that nugget onto his Studium who are now required to wrap presents for his best friend, assistant principal Mr. Bill Nolan. 

“You know, I just thought of my best friend, and I was like, why not get my Studium to do it,” said Mr. Antonietti. These two educators have been best friends for quite some time, and people say they’ve been around since before MC even started. Coach Anto even likes to say, “I can’t die.”

Mr. Antonietti has been known to learn some new skill  every year, his most recent being learning how to spin a plate on his hands. “I don’t understand the need to learn these things,” said junior John Jones, who is in Coach Anto’s Studium, “because they are useless for a reason, so why learn them?” 

        With students in Studium 104 learning how to wrap presents, it has caused some problems because students want to spend Studium getting their homework done or playing games, but instead they must wrap presents. 

       “I’ve never wrapped a present in my life so I guess it’s a good thing,” said junior Jackson Barrins, “but I’d rather watch game film.” The gifts for Mr. Nolan are a new microphone in the main office to announce to the whole school halfway through the school day that it is a Studium schedule even though everyone knows, and he will be getting a new jacket that says “Anto and Nolan - Best Buds Forever”” along with a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card of $100 for those long mornings he has to pick up cones outside the school and watch students walk in the building. 

Coach Anto has been filled with Christmas joy which has caused work for the students. He also created a method for students to learn how to wrap presents which is called the CAWP which is cut, arrange, wrap, and precision. “I think that Coach Anto just makes up random things,” said senior Darrion Dupree. “Like what is a CAWP?” The new method for wrapping presents has led to some controversy because students are saying it’s too difficult to be so precise. 

With Mr. Nolan getting these gifts it has made some of his colleagues jealous. “I would love to get a Dunkin’ gift card because I do so much for this school,” said Mr. Dan O’Connor, one of the school’s deans, amid yelling at a student. “Mr. Antonietti should take me into consideration.”  Although some teachers feel this way, Coach Anto believes only Mr. Nolan should get gifts because they go way back. If it wasn’t for their friendship, Coach Anto would not be at Carmel because only his chats with Mr. Nolan helps relieve the stress from dealing with his students. 

If Mr. Antonietti keeps this up, he might no longer have a Studium because of the jealousy his colleagues feel and the anger his students are feeling.