A Mount Carmel teacher has given McDonald's another reason to keep the famed McRib in stores  

Daniel Moody '26

Mr. Baffoe's McRib spotted in his classroom

At Mount Carmel High School, students have a great experience, and most  go to prestigious colleges like Notre Dame and the University of Wisconsin. A reason for this is that Mount Carmel has amazing teachers who really know how to teach students. Teachers like Mr. Tim Baffoe are reasons why students do so well in college. And recently, Mr. Baffoe has been an even better teacher. He has been letting students submit assignments late for 10% off and has been letting students eat food in his class without his usual tax on the food involving them giving him a portion. 

The reason for Mr. Baffoe’s attitude adjustment? The McRib is back. 

Anyone at Mount Carmel or McDonald’s knows how much Mr. Baffoe praises the McRib. He has a poster of the McRib in his classroom that he touches everyday as a reminder. One student supposedly saw him kiss the poster once. “If I touch the poster, it will come,” said Mr. Baffoe prior to the McRib’s annual return to McDonald’s restaurants McDonald’s had claimed that 2022 would be the final return of the McRib and that the company was permanently discontinuing the sandwich with a cult following. “Give it some time. The McRib will always come back to its rightful place. It will be back. It will.” 

Mr. Baffoe was laughed at for thinking the McRib was going to come back, but he has gotten the last laugh. 

A source within the company has provided information to The Merchant showing Mr. Baffoe has links with top McDonald's executives on the status of the McRib. Emails show Mr. Baffoe has been sending an average of three emails a day since early 2023 to Mcdonald's urging them to bring the McRib back. He then eventually got his wish as McDonald’s announced that the McRib is coming back mid-November. Three minutes before the McRib was announced that it was coming back, Baffoe sent a text on Remind to his classes, “What’s up now, jerks?.” The text included a GIF of a pop culture reference his students did not recognize.

“He seems adamant in letting everyone know who was right,” says Hank Kratzer, a sophomore in  one of Mr. Baffoe’s classes. But this excessive celebration is worth ignoring because there is a silver lining in this situation. 

Mr. Baffoe is being way nicer than he has always been. “I just feel like I am in a jolly mood,” he says. “I have been waiting for this day since McDonalds took it off the menu last year. I actually went into a depressed state when I didn't have the McRib. I feel like I can be myself now. With the McRib back, I feel like the world is complete. I feel so great that I might unretire from my acting career and start that up again.”

Students at Mount Carmel have their own thoughts on the matter too. “I feel that this is not healthy for Mr. Baffoe,” said a concerned sophomore, Bryce Mason. “It seems that the McRib is like a drug to him. If he doesn’t have it, he turns into a deep depressive state. In my opinion, I believe the McRib for Mr. Baffoe is worse than nicotine in a way.”

While all students at Mount Carmel have different opinions on the matter, everyone is still benefiting from this by not having to deal with “no McRib Baffoe”.