Video Media Class Uses Deep Fakes To Create School Chaos 

Andrew Stanislawski '25

The video media class taught by Mr. Matthew McGuire has recently added a deep fake lesson to his video media class. Deep fakes are AI-generated videos created to look and sound like a human person. There is no need to directly film or record audio of that person. All that is needed to make a deep fake is a video of the person and audio of the person talking.

This means students in the video media class can make videos of faculty saying anything if there is recorded audio and video of that teacher. Students have used the video from Noah Sanchez’s In The Classroom  to deep fake many teachers. The first target was The Merchant’s moderator and self-proclaimed Sensei, Mr. Tim Baffoe. Sophomore Matthew Doyle decided to make  a deep-faked Baffoe rebuke his claim that a hot dog is not a sandwich, and he made him claim that he only started The Merchant for the money. The Merchant has provided the clip of Mr./Sensei Baffoe stating this claim.

“I can not believe that it is possible to create that accurate of a deep fake from just that video,” said Mr. Baffoe. “I was wearing a mask in when that was filmed and the deep fake had me unmasked”. 

However, Mr. Baffoe forgot about the appearance of both his voice and face in class press 

conferences, an activity that Mr. Baffoe does with his honors English class to show what students think about class topics. One this makes creating extremely accurate deep fakes of him easy

“The fact that someone is challenging Mr. Baffoe’s claim that a hotdog is a sandwich is insane. I am so glad that the truth about hotdogs was told by one of the school's most knowledgeable sandwich  experts. All we need is Mr. Antonietti to confirm this through sandwich phycology,” Said Mr. Manuel Medina.

Another video from an anonymous creator of Dean O’Connor saying that hoodies are approved for dress down days. Although it is currently unknown if there will ever be another MC dress down, The Merchant suspects that the video's creator might be Aiden or Angelo Correa. 

“I hope that Dean O’Connor just rolls with the deep fake fake video and allows hoodies for dress down days. It would make more students want to come to Mount Carmel,” Said student body president Kevin Jacobs with the hood from his hoodie tucked in under his shirt

While the deep faked videos are very realistic, the students are limited to the video media class to make them as the computers there are the only ones that have deep fake software on them. The production time of  these videos also takes a whole trimester because it takes time to learn the software and the limitations of the hardware it's on. 

“The computers in the video media room run worse than a toaster. I compared them to prove it,” said Doyle while frying an egg on a video media PC. 

Mount Carmel might be safe from deep fakes for now, faculty must keep an eye out for suspicious videos created by next year’s sophomores, and the chaos that they can cause.