Glonek suing student for leaving door to classroom open for too long 

Daniel Moody '26

Mr. David Glonek, science teacher at Mount Carmel, is suing one of his students, Lewis Lofgren, stemming from the strict rules enforced in his classroom about the door to his classroom. Mr. Glonek has constantly warned students about closing the door right after entering the room and has repeatedly said that there will be severe consequences if expectations are not met. 

But many people are calling his consequences harsh and unjust. For this particular incident of leaving the door open, Mr. Glonek is filing a class action lawsuit for $38,000. He somehow got to this amount by piling up all of the extra heating needed for the class for all of his years here at Mount Carmel

Lofgren says that he just walked into Mr. Glonek’s class as usual and was putting his phone away. Then all of the sudden, Mr. Glonek supposedly bellowed, “HEY, I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU ALL. THIS DOES IT. YOU WILL LEARN TO LISTEN TO YOUR TEACHERS.” 

Some students are calling it an overreaction and some students are saying that Lofgren had it coming to him. After all, he is not Mr. Glonek’s favorite student. 

On the first day of school, Lewis walked in the room with three pieces of gum in his mouth. For those unaware, Mr. Glonek has posters hanging up all around his classroom stating “Chewing gum in my class will result in a 10 page, front and back, essay saying ‘I will not chew gum in Mr. Gloneks class.’” This already got Lofgren on his bad side because he was caught and forced to write the 10 page essay, and Lewis claims that this attack on him was targeted and unfair. 

While Mr. Glonek will follow through with this lawsuit, some believe that this will not hold up in court and that this is just a publicity stunt to set an example to everyone to follow his rules. This has been effective in the past by showing people what will come of them if they do not follow rules. This is used all across America to show students that if they want to break the rules there will be consequences whether you like it or not. 

Wind of this lawsuit has spread around the school like wildfire and students all around Mount Carmel have been voicing their opinions on this matter. 

“Mr. Glonek used to be understanding when accidents were made,” said sophomore Jude Liss. “Now, he is just going to start suing people for no good reason. This won’t last.” 

Mr. Glonek has put out a statement regarding these events and the statement may not be the one people would think. Mr. Glonek states, “I believe that this punishment will be a fair amount of money for the cost of electrical waste that this classroom has endured.” 

While many believe this lawsuit is baloney and won’t go to trial, it is all up to the judge. We do not have any other information to share at the moment. Until we get access to more information, we can only wait.