Dean O'Connor starts a new class at Mt. Carmel called Screaming Studies

James McCormac '25

Many Mount Carmel students have been noticing a new class in their Blackbaud accounts at MC called Screaming Studies. When clicked on, the pop up leads to a separate web page where the details for the class can be found. This class will only be available in the third trimester. There are no prerequisites to join the class, but it is advised you come with a pair of heavy earmuffs or noise canceling headphones. 

The class was started by Dean Dan O’Connor when freshman Maddon Wilson asked how he acquired his incredible loud voice. “I was shocked when in my first lunch period he yelled at me so loud the windows were starting to shake,” said Wilson. “All I wanted to do was cut the lunch line.” 

Interest in starting a class was rising and some teachers wanted to sit in or even help teach. MC teachers thought that having the voice of Mr. O’Connor would allow them to quiet students down when they are being unruly. One teacher that was heavily requested to help teach by the students was Mr. David Glonek due to his ability to suddenly raise his voice. “I never even yell in my class, I just talk loudly,” said Mr. Glonek in response to these requests. Although most of the students were disappointed they would not be gaining the ability to jumpscare their friends with sudden decibel increases, the Interest in the class was still high. 

Some teachers such as Mrs. Emma Norise wanted to learn the skill so they themselves could have as loud a voice and as great control over the students as Dean O’Connor does. “If I could just yell like he could, I would be able to teach so much more,” said Mrs. Norise, nearly in tears at the prospect of teaching her babies more. 

Some people such as Dean Hurry were hesitant to start a new class because there was difficulty finding an adequate room for the class. There were very few rooms inside the school with walls thick enough so that no other teachers would not be disturbed with the sounds of loud yelling. It was eventually decided that the old Student Center would be a good place due to a recommendation from Sophomore Bruno Kolom.

  “There's a great echo in there and almost no sound escapes,” said Kolom. “I'm really looking forward to taking the class. Just hope there's no homework." He suddenly looked nervous at the prospect of more homework. 

The class is set to start at the beginning of the third trimester after Dean O’Connor received permission from Mr. Tabernacki. 

“After checking all the logistics it seems like this will be a great addition to Mount Carmel,” said Tabernacki. 

All students are invited to join the class, and due to the size of the Student Center it will just be one big class. Some are even hopeful that the voice exercises will make students that are both in Screaming Studies and the choir sing louder during mass. Screaming Studies is definitely going to be a new hit class at Mount Carmel.