Auntie Norise's Advice Column

Dear Auntie Norise,

I’ve been written up by a teacher for a cell phone violation. I was hard at work in Mr. Williams’s  Geometry class. I was drawing triangle XYZ. I had nothing to use as a straight edge, so I used my phone that I forgot to put in the caddy at the start of class. The kid I sit next to raised his hand to have Mr. Williams come over. I think he did it on purpose to make me get detention. This caused him to see my phone and give me a one-hour detention. The date the detention is scheduled for is not going to work. I have a meeting before school and practice after school. What should I do? Skip the detention? Argue with Mr. Williams? Dean O’Connor? Get revenge on the student who raised his hand? 

Please Help,

Straight Edge Cell Phone

Dear Straight Edge Cell Phone,

What are you thinking? You know you’re not supposed to have your phone. Put it up. Don’t you have an ID, a book, or anything else you could use to make a straight line? As for the student next to you, you better have a chat with him. Ask him what he was thinking, trying to get you in trouble like that. Send him to me, I’ll take care of him. Nobody messes with my kids like that. I’ll write you a PBR to hopefully cancel out the detention. If you were doing your work then you were doing good. Tell Mr. Williams your situation and he might be able to help you out.

Dear Auntie Norise,

Mr. Godinez has it out for me. He always gives me a 9/10, even though I speak fluent Spanish. I want to get an A+ in his class because I have been speaking Spanish since I was a baby. This A+ would help boost my GPA , which would bring me up from a 3.9 to a 4.0. Every week my participation is a 9/10, even though I answer questions and talk about every World Cup game every day. What should I do to get the A+? He is one of my favorite teachers, but he grades my assignments so harshly. How should I handle this?


Stressed Sophomore in Spanish

Dear Stressed in Spanish,

You better get your A+. I don’t know how Mr. Godinez does his grades, but you better study your hardest, do your best on the finals, and do every extra credit assignment that you can. If that doesn’t work we are gonna have to talk. You’re my favorite. I need you to be the best. Maybe I can email Mr. Godinez. I will help in every way I can. 4.0 is a big deal, and I need you to get that. I had a student once with the  same problem. He finally was able to get his grades up and got the GPA he needed. One class helped him go to his desired college. You better get going.

Dear Auntie Norise,

I’m very embarrassed. I’m on the football team and we just got recognized at the Bears game for our state championship win. As I was running, I was tripped by a teammate and fell in front of thousands of fans. What now? Every fan there saw me fall on my face. Get him back? Tell O’Connor?



Dear EmBearassed,

You saw those hits Owen was making this year? I wouldn’t mess with him too much. You better laugh it off with him; otherwise you might get slammed to the ground just like the guy on Downers Grove. I’ll talk to him. He won’t do that to me. Well, at least he better not. Don’t snitch. He was just having fun. In a week we will all laugh it off like nothing happened.