Mr. Panatera breaks state championship trophy wrapping it for Christmas 

James McCormac '25

Mr. Tony Panatera, a teacher and football coach, broke the new state championship trophy soon after it was received. He expressed to the coaches and staff a wish to borrow the trophy so that he could give it as a gift briefly to his dog. 

“I know that it would make Caesar Augustus feel really good and that he would enjoy this a lot,” he told the rest of the coaching staff. 

The coaches were a little confused on why he was giving a state trophy to his dog as a present for Christmas. “He won't use this as a chew toy, right?” Coach Lynch asked. 

Once allowed to take the trophy, Mr. Panatera immediately brought it to his classroom to wrap it in Christmas paper. 

However, Mr. Panatera was struggling to find Christmas wrapping for the gift, so he went to his co worker Mr. Glonek for help. “I didn't even ask what he needed it for, I just assumed it was something normal,” Mr Glonek remarked.

Mr. Panatera also had to find a place to wrap the trophy and decided that the strange room in the back of the old building numbered two hundred and twenty two was the perfect spot. “I knew it was an empty room, it's been that way since way back when I graduated from Carmel,” said Panatera. 

While wrapping the trophy, it slipped out of his hands and shattered upon hitting the floor. It is not certain what caused Mr. Panatera to drop the trophy; although, an autopsy performed by Mrs. Norise on the trophy revealed that there were traces of Rudolphomycin. This chemical can partly cure cancer, except in California, where it is known to cause it. It is currently unknown how this chemical got into the trophy; Although, Mrs. Norise hypothesizes that it might be residue from Coach Lynch's spray tan. 

“I was so shocked that I could not even begin to think properly at the time. After all, how could it have shattered into pieces from falling on the floor?” said Panatera after breaking the trophy. 

In a moment of “brilliant genius,” Mr. Panatera decided to get super glue out to fix it. “I knew that if I used just the right amount of glue, it would look like nothing had happened at all,” he said while looking at his glue covered hands. He described the process of gluing the trophy as “extremely tedious and time consuming.” He had to piece every single shard of trophy back together. The trophy was actually constructed again multiple times only for Panatera to find out he had done it wrong and had to start again. He knew it would all be worth it though, so he could make sure to return the trophy just as it was when he was given it. 

Mr. Panatera decided afterward that it was probably not a good idea to use the trophy as a gift and promptly put it back into its case. Nobody noticed that the trophy was ever broken; though, if looked at from just the right angle, a thin crack can be seen running through the side of the trophy.