Coach Antonietti seeks to coach every sport at MC

Marty Wilmes '25

      Coach Mark Antonietti has decided that he wants to coach every sport at Mount Carmel. A football coach for decades, He started this new journey last year by coaching tennis. This year, he plans to move on from tennis and coach table tennisPing Pong. Other currently-existing sports at MC on his list include esports, water polo, diving, and cheerleading. He will not stop at these, though. Coach Antonietti plans to introduce more sports to the school like badminton, muay thai, competitive eating, polo, and quail hunting.

The sports will be instituted over the next few years. He thinks the demand for more sports is high because people are getting bored of the classics. The new sports are expected to draw an extra 17% of students to an extracurricular activity. Coach Antonietti is planning to start his new coaching this year. In spring, he will start working with the Rocket League team. He will begin practice four days a week. His goal for each is simple: win state.

“I am very excited for this new journey,” said Coach Antonietti at his latest press conference, “especially quail hunting.” 

He plans to practice in the Student Center starting in the 2023-2024 school year. A new range is currently on back order after a generous donation from an MC alum. It is fully fitted with targets with customizable pictures.

Coach Antonietti is excited to start Rocket League this year. He has been practicing all summer. He has the mechanics of the game down to a science and has developed new strategies to implement starting in the Spring 2023 season. 

Star player Aidan McGovern is excited for the new change. “We need to get the job done,” said McGovern, “A switch in coaching staff is the answer.”

Coach Antonietti has experience of coaching football, wrestling, and tennis. His expertise in these areas have helped the football and wrestling teams to recent state championships. The same is expected for this year’s tennis team. Star prospect Roshan Kalubi, a junior, has been developing under Coach Antonietti’s wing. 

“I have been developing over the off season,” says Kalubi, “We are going deep into the playoffs.”

After a disappointing season last year, Caravan tennis is expected to bounce back better than ever.

Students seem to be happy with the new sports. The overwhelming response is that most students will try one of the new sports coming to Mount Carmel starting in 2023. “I am very excited to leave a huge mark on Mount Carmel,” said Coach Antonietti, “The sports of the future will be here first. We will be the best.”.