

  • The Hollywood Retreat will not release a guest's private information to other guests; Nor sell guest information.

  • All those that attend must be considerate and respect all other people in attendance. This includes their personal boundaries and all hard limits.

  • Any behavior at the party or outside of the party that interferes with the wellbeing of the group. (ie. stalking, prejudice statements or acts, harassment, violence toward another member, engaging in sex for money, falling down drunk, causing a disruption on hotel premises etc. not limited to this list)

  • Any person disrupting the party environment will be removed (Yelling, threatening, cursing, being rude ,discourteous or intoxicated to other guests, etc. Ask before you try to do anything to and or with anyone at the party (touch, kiss, lick, cum, etc). They have thoughts and feelings and they may not want you specifically to do anything with them or to them.

  • No Solicitation. That includes money, business interests, favors, etc.

  • NO means NO.


  • Do NOT knock on doors ever.

  • The safe word is RED LIGHT at all our events. Anytime someone uses this term, please stop what you are doing.

  • Social drinking is acceptable but getting drunk is not allowed BYOB always. Getting drunk will get you a warning or tossed out.

  • Guests pour and make their own drinks. We have an area set up with mixers and cups.

  • No illegal Drugs

  • Please keep your banter and chat to positive fun topics. This is not therapy. No one needs to hear your life story or your problems. NO POLITICS! WE dont care who you vote for, always a mood killer.

  • While we prefer you not be on your phone at all they are allowed. No cell phone use allowed downstairs group areas at all or in any open play area. Closed rooms are fine as long as ALL in the room agree. Anyone taking pictures or video without permission will be banned permanently.

  • Voyeurs must keep 5 feet between them self and the edge of the bed where people are playing. Ask before approaching people playing. We have yellow chains and velvet ropes in some rooms for voyeurs. Crossing these chains/ropes without an invitation is a removable violation.

  • All guests should respect the dignity of others. No rude conduct toward guests or staff will be permitted.

  • If you enter a play area, and are not playing, we kindly ask that you whisper or do not talk at all.

  • Please do not invade the personal space of others while they are playing even with vocal word or outbursts. . If there is a doubt, please ask them if they would like your company.

  • Bothering our room attendant for any play(kisses , touching or anything can get you banned). Third Code word in the phrase is "Samanthas"

  • Patrons not allowed to solicit other patrons for money or donations for any reason.

  • Please respect The Retreat at all times by keeping it clean and picking up after yourself. If you have an accident, please clean it up and/or notify staff to help you. When done, MEN MUST PUT CONDOMS IN THE TRASH CAN PROVIDED and please pull up the corner of the sheet and alert staff that the playroom needs to be cleaned.

  • When leaving the retreat please remove your wristband at the exit and toss anything in the trash you have. Please do not throw the wristband or any trash in the parking area or on the road.

Hygiene Rules For Our Venue

  • Anyone with medical issues that can present a health and safety issues can not play (ie. women menstruating no vaginal sex [oral and anal are fine], Anyone with incontinence issues, etc)

  • Both men and women should come trimmed or shaved and clean in all private areas.

  • Men need to clean themselves thoroughly between partners (gargle if you have eaten a woman out and clean your entire lower region after any type of contact. (The taste of condoms and other women's pussies is not a turn on for most women). We have showers, mouthwash plus other toiletries.

  • Men cannot use the same condom with two different women.

  • We prefer that you play safe at all times. While you may play bareback (which is up to the woman's discretion) please understand that it presents a more serious health risk in these situations then private swinging. Easy way to get banned or worse if you don't ask before going bareback guys! This could easily trigger a fight. WE don't want that.

  • Any type or medical tube and bag attached to the body is not allowed at the Retreat.


Please note that if someone complains about your hygiene you will be asked to leave the party with no refund. If this happens a second time you will be removed from the party list. So come clean and ready to play. Anyone who does not adhere to these rules will be removed from the party without a refund. If it happens a second time you will be removed from the party list.


By confirming your attendance to an event, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other airborne viruses exists in any public place where people are present. Also, as with all sexual acts there is also a risk of exposure to STDs. By attending the Event, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure of airborne viruses, Stds and agree not to hold the Hollywoodgroup or any of their affiliates, directors, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.

-You and your guests must also agree to not attend any event unless free of any symptoms or diagnosis related to an airborne virus or STD as defined by the CDC. Click here for more information

-If you dont feel well, simply text reds CANCEL and remove yourself from the sls list ASAP.


Unless we are throwing an all black cock or white cock party we use wristband colors to identify the preferences of the lady.

We find this helps our guests better match up and not waste time and being awkward. During registration we ask the ladies what wristband they want. There will be plenty for everyone and guys must respect each ladies preferences. After all it's Ladies Choice for our Ladies Night Party.

RED=Not Playing/Watcher

White = Light Cock

Black= Dark cock