
In order to participate in the Hackathon, you will be asked to fill in the sign-in sheet we provide. We will need your name, whether you are a student or an educator, and your e-mail address. If you are not comfortable sharing your personal email address, you can also use the email address from work or school. We will also ask for permission to share your e-mail address with your team members. This way team members can get in touch with each other before the event takes place.

As stated before, individuals will be placed in teams made by the organizing committee based on the challenge preferences of the individual.

During the Hackathon

Participants will have a schedule of the entire event beforehand. This way one can prepare for the two days in advance. Keep in mind that the event will take place on two half-days and will each last four hours. Within these four hours the teams have the team strategy meetings to hack their challenge.