Sep. 2022

PO Box 1765, Grass Valley, CA 95945


Dear Friends,

Almost fifty years ago classes were begun by Neal and Martha Kooyers in what was called the Ambunti Akademi. Many students were brought in from upriver villages for literacy education and housed in dormitories. In 1978, with over two hundred students to keep fed, each week it required two small truckloads of food which included sago starch, sweet potatoes, taro, greens and coconuts. After a while PIM phased out the boarding school and began placing teachers in small villages up the Sepik River and its tributaries. However, out of those early years of the Ambunti Akademi some of the leaders and teachers of PIM were chosen and developed. David Kasen and Rueben Wak were in that group.


大約五十年前,尼爾和瑪莎·庫耶斯開辦了安布恩提學院。許多學生從上游村莊被帶進來接受掃盲教育,並被安置在宿舍裡。1978年,有兩百多名學生需要進食,每周需要兩小卡車的食物,包括西米澱粉,紅薯,芋頭,蔬菜和椰子。 後來,PIM逐步取消了寄宿學校,並開始在希比克河及其支流上游的小村莊裡安置教師。 然而,在 安布恩提學院的早期,PIM已選定一些領導人和教師繼續培養。大衛·卡森和魯本·瓦克就屬於這一組。

Priscilla Kasen, the daughter of David Kasen, received her training at a Tauri teachers college where she met her husband. Both of them have taught school in Mt Hagen of the highlands for over a decade. Next year her husband will be joining PIM at Ambunti and teaching for PIM as the Kooyers Primary school which will for the first time have grade 8 students.

普里西拉·卡森是大衛·卡森的女兒,她在陶里師範學院接受了培訓,在那裡她遇到了她的丈夫。 他們倆都在高地的哈根山教書十多年。明年,她的丈夫將加入安布恩提的PIM,並在PIM的庫耶斯小學任教,該小學首屆學生即升上八年級。(譯註:近幾年因地方上的需要,PIM在安布恩提開辦庫耶斯小學。)

Currently, Priscilla is the head teacher at the Kooyers primary and elementary school with over 340 students taught by ten female teachers and one male. With her father working for PIM, Priscilla grew up in Ambunti and has a heart to see the mission school become the best in area and proclaim God’s truth. This is also true of the other teachers- most of whom have had either a parent working for PIM or were educated in a PIM school. We praise the Lord for what He has brought about!

目前,普里西拉 是庫耶斯小學的校長,該校有340多名學生,由十名女教師和一名男教師授課。由於她的父親是PIM的員工,普里西拉在安布恩提長大,立志要使宣教學校成為該地區最好的學校並宣揚上帝的真理。其他教師也是如此 - 其中大多數父母要麼為PIM工作,要麼在PIM學校接受教育。我們讚美主所帶來的一切!

Isaiah 55:10-11 “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

以賽亞書 55:10-11 “因為雨雪從天上降下來 ,不歸到那裡,乃是澆灌地上,使地上發芽, 把種子獻給播種,餅給吃人,我的話也要從我口裡出來。它不會空虛地回到我身邊,但它將完成我所要成就的,並將成功地完成我派它來做的那件事。