Dec. 2022

PO Box 1765, Grass Valley, CA 95945


“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22


Dear Friend, In the old black and white photos of our long-passed relatives rarely can a smile be seen. It was the fashion of those days. However even today certain cultures reluctantly share a smile and mistrust anyone who does. Granted no one walks around with a permanent smile plastered on his or her face. Yet who isn’t cheered by the warm natural smile of someone who is happy and joyful?
親愛的朋友, 在我們早已逝去的親戚的黑白老照片中,很少能看到微笑。 這是當時的社會風氣。然而,即使在今天,某些文化仍然不但會主動分享他們的甚至不信任面帶微笑的人。 當然,沒有人沒事臉上掛著永久的微笑。 然而,一個歡喜快樂的人,有誰不被他那溫暖自然的微笑所鼓舞呢?

The students (above) in their first year at the Kooyers Sodas School gave an unprompted welcoming smile before their teacher started class that morning. This year in the PIM school at Ambunti there was an enrolment of 320 and next year another class, the 8th grade, will be added. In all of the PIM schools there were 2,213 students taught by 56 teachers. What a privilege to have the input of Christian schools in all of these lives!
在Kooyers Sodas學校一年級的學生(上圖)在老師開始上課之前,他們自然地露出了歡迎的微笑。 今年在安布恩提的PIM學校(即Kooyers Sodas學校)有320名入學人數,明年將增加另一個班級,即八年級 。 在所有PIM學校中,有2,213名學生由56名教師授課。我們以設立基督教學校在這些命中,這是多麼大的榮幸!

Another smiling student attended a sewing class and Bible story class in May taught to 24 women by Sandy Chao and Kellen Hsu. Later in the year Sandy and Douglas were wed.
另一名面帶微笑的女士,她今年參加了今年五月由Sandy Chao和Kellen Hsu開設的縫紉班和聖經故事課,總共有24位女士參加這個課程。同年稍晚的時候,Sandy和道格拉斯結婚了。

Earlier in the year a record number of pastors (86) attended a course at Ambunti. There was a lot of joy and smiles shared amongst them when many met after not seeing each other for years.
今年年初打破往年紀錄,有86位牧師參加了安布恩提的課程。 當許多人在多年未見面後再相見時,分享了很多喜悅和微笑。

Over 30,000 public high school students have books supplied and distributed by PIM for use in their Christian Religious Education classes. High School principals have readily accepted these books and the National Education Department intends to have even a broader number of schools included in their distribution.
超過三萬名新幾內亞公立高中學生拿到了PIM提供和分發的書籍,用於他們的基督教宗教教育課程。 高中校長欣然接受了這些書籍,國家教育部打算將更多學校納入其中。

PIM health services are available to a population of over 10,000 in middle section of the Sepik River basin.

We at PIM can smile with thanksgiving at the Lord’s blessings throughout 2022 in PNG. These are just a few of the many we can remember. Yet we are truly thankful for your part in making our work in PNG a possibility.
因著在2022一整年在新幾內亞我們PIM得以綻放充滿感激之情的笑容。 這些只是我們能細數的眾多恩典中的一小部分。然而,我們非常感謝您為我們在幾內亞的事工所做的貢獻。

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-25
願主賜福看顧你;願主的臉光照你賜恩給你;願主向你仰臉給你平安。 民數記 6:24-25

In this season we remember how God smiled on the earth and sent His Son, truly all mankind can rejoice.

In Christ, Douglas Heidema 主裡,道格拉斯·海德瑪