Apr. 2023

PO Box 1765,  Grass Valley, CA  95945 

https://www.piministries.com/index.html office@piministries.com

Dear Friends,

In the village of Wagu Pastor Peter Vagi wanted to cut some grass near the church.  The grass cutter starter was being pulled repeatedly with pauses to adjust the throttle to get the “right position” to make it run.  It finally started whirling at top speed with the string line whipping a small stone right into the eye of the pastor immediately causing him so much pain. His safety glasses were nearby but not worn, because he just wasn’t expecting the grass cutter to start running so suddenly. Yet now even with just one good eye he is thankful. Imperfect sight will not make him give up being a pastor.


在瓦古村,牧師彼得·瓦吉(Peter Vagi)想把教堂附近的草割一割。 他將割草機啟動器反覆拉動及暫停以調整油門到「正確的位置」讓它得以運行。 它終於開始以最快的速度旋轉,繩線將一塊小石頭直接甩到牧師的眼睛上,立即使他非常疼痛。他的安全眼鏡就在附近,但沒有戴,因為他只是沒想到割草機會突然開始跑。然而現在,即使只有一雙好眼睛,他也很感激。不完美的視力不會使他放棄做牧師。 

The annual pastors course finished for 70+ pastors the last week of March. Then on April 3 at 4 am a 7.1 earthquake jolted many from sleep in villages of the East Sepik Province. With the epicenter less than 24 miles away from Ambunti, 7 houses fell down but in PIM’s buildings only things fell off of shelves. It was the worst earthquake in memory. Elsewhere in the province the quake caused eight deaths and 17 injuries with over 300 houses collapsing in villages nearer to the epicenter.  We must remind ourselves God is in control.

一年一度的牧師課程在三月的最後一周結束了,有70 多位牧師參加。然後在4月3日淩晨4點,東希比克省村莊的7.1級地震使許多人從睡眠中醒來。震央距離安布恩提不到24英里,有7棟房屋倒塌;但在PIM的建築物中,只有東西從架子上掉下來。這是記憶中最嚴重的地震。在該省的其他地方,地震造成8人死亡,17人受傷,震央附近村莊的300多所房屋倒塌。 我們必須提醒自己,上帝在掌管一切。 

During the pastors’ course, Pastor Nathan Kiwok told of happenings in his personal life and of tragedy in his home village. One of his sons, Marshann, recently had an operation in a distant coastal city hospital for an abdominal problem. Yet his son, remains a believer in spite of his continuing sickness. One of the pastor’s married daughters died soon after going to the Wewak hospital in 2018.  A second daughter died only last Christmas. “Gods power is perfected in weakness.”

Nathan says, “God is able to help and give life.  It is not in my power to control this or boss this.” It’s God’s will not my will.  “I am not burdened with heavy sorrow; I live with joy and am happy that I can work as pastor in my community.” Nathan has lived through trials which have strengthen him for ministry to others.

在牧師課程中,Nathan Kiwok牧師講述了他個人生活中發生的事情和他家鄉的悲劇。他的一個兒子Marshann最近在遙遠的沿海城市醫院接受了腹部問題的手術。他的兒子儘管他病痛不斷,仍然不會放棄信仰。牧師的一個已婚女兒在2018年在威瓦克住院不久後就去世了。 第二個女兒去年耶誕節剛剛去世。

「神的能力在軟弱的人身上顯得完全。」Nathan Kiwok牧師說:「上帝能夠幫助我們,生命是祂給予的。 這是我沒有能力控制或主導的事。一切唯願上帝的旨意成全,不是我的旨意。我沒有被沉重的悲傷壓垮;我可以活得快樂,並很高興能在社區裡擔任牧師。Nathan Kiwok牧師經歷了試煉,這些試煉使他更有能力服事他人。

This February in Nathan’s home village some drunken young men violently attacked and axed another young man who was not participating in their revelry.  As the young man, a relative of Nathan, lay bleeding, Nathan came and prayed with him. The young man died even before being transported to the nearest medical care which is hours away. Turmoil followed in village as houses of families and relatives whose sons were involved were set on fire. During the revenge thirteen houses burned down, plus gardens, coconuts and other fruit trees were chopped down.  (When a crime happens in rural PNG immediate justice is sought and this often begins a cycle of pay back)

今年二月 ,在Nathan Kiwok牧師的家鄉, 一些醉酒的年輕人襲擊並用斧頭砍殺了另一名並沒有參加他們狂歡的年輕人。 當那個年輕人(也是Nathan Kiwok牧師的親戚)倒在血泊之中時,Nathan Kiwok牧師來和他一起祈禱。這名年輕人在被送往數小時路程外的最近醫療機構的途中死亡。這帶來村裡的動亂,醉酒殺人的家庭及親戚的房屋被縱火焚燒。在復仇期間,十三所房屋被燒毀,其花園、椰子和其他果樹都被砍倒。 (在新幾內亞農村地區遇有發生犯罪時,他們會立即尋求公平處置,這通常會導致循環報復。)

Pastor Nathan was burdened to go minister to those mourning not only for the young man, but also for another man who died from a sickness at the same time. After an adult dies their family sets up a temporary house to mourn both night and day. So, for a month Nathan went to both of these mourning houses, he sat, talked and prayed with the people, and their denomination didn’t matter to him.

Nathan Kiwok牧師心中有負擔,不僅要服事為這個年輕人哀悼的親友,還要服事為另一個同一時間死於疾病的人哀悼的親友。遇有成年人去世,他們的家人會建立一個臨時的房子,日夜哀悼。所以,Nathan Kiwok牧師花了一個月的時間去了這兩個哀悼所,他坐下來,和人們交談和祈禱,不管他們屬於哪一個教派。

After these two deaths Nathan desires to see restoration in the community and unity amongst the four different denominations.  They should promote peace and good behavior.  “The Bible is not a newspaper that you just read and toss to the side.” Things are peaceful at present and there are no more noisy parties happening.

在這兩人死後,Nathan Kiwok牧師希望看到社區的復甦和四 個不同教派的合一。他們應該促進和睦並行為端正。「聖經不是你只是讀了一讀就扔到一邊的報紙。」目前一切都很平靜,不再有嘈雜的派對。

Living in this imperfect world, events take place which are often beyond our control.  We believe as Christians God remains sovereign, and can be glorified even when the bad things happen.  The suffering of Christ followed by his resurrection truly gives us hope.  Even though storms may come into our lives, God will bring us through into eternal life.  God uses imperfect people and situations for His glory.

生活在這個不完美的世界中,我們往往無法控制要讓什麼事情發生。 我們相信作為基督徒,上帝是至高全能者,即使壞事發生,上帝也可以得到榮耀。 基督受苦之後的復活確實給了我們希望。 即使風暴可能進入我們的生活,上帝也會帶我們進入永生。 上帝使用不完美的人和事來榮耀他。

The pastors who PIM helps with these annual courses are not PIM pastors, but come from several local denominations. They are supported by their local churches at a minimal level; however, they minister because they are committed to seeing their villages be Christ followers. They need your prayers in this gospel proclamation and facing the spiritual opposition to the truth.


Thank you for your support for Pacific Island Ministries in “Equipping Gods people for works of service.”


Douglas Heidema
