Dec. 2023

PO Box 1765,  Grass Valley, CA  95945 


Dear Friends,


The cloudy morning necessitated circling Ambunti a second time to properly approach for a landing on the one-way airstrip. Visible on the school grounds below was a thatch roofed shade structure that covered students waiting for the graduation and awards program to begin.  The event finally started 45 minutes after the plane landed and when Doug with Sandy were in the line of invited guests walking to the podium.



早晨陰雲密布,導致飛機需要繞安布恩提飛行兩次,才能正確降落在單向飛機跑道。 由空中可看見底下的校園裡有一個茅草屋頂的遮陽搭建物,覆蓋著等待畢業和頒獎典禮開始的學生。 飛機降落 45 分鐘後,道格拉斯和Sandy列在受邀嘉賓的隊伍中走向講台時,活動終於開始了。

The 8th grade class of sixteen students did not wear gowns but dressed smartly, the young men wore vests, neckties and long trousers and the young women had similar colored dresses. This first ever class now has graduated from the Kooyers Primary School –.  In addition, to the graduation certificates handed out to the 8th graders at the assembly the other grades presented certificates and awards for first, second and third best to individuals for the different subjects taught in each class.  Some parents would come forward with their child to receive the reward with others using their phones to take picture. The assembly with all the speeches and students’ presentations lasted two hours longer than listed on the program sheet. Cultural events in PNG tend to follow this trend.

八年級班的十六名學生沒有穿長袍,但穿著得體,男生穿著背心、領帶和長褲,女生則穿著顏色類似的裙裝。 現在這有史以來第一屆庫耶爾斯小學(Kooyers Primary School)畢業的班級。大會上除了為八年級學生頒發畢業證書外,還為其他年級各班不同科目的個人頒發了證書和一、二、三等獎。 有的家長帶著孩子上前領獎,其他人則拿著手機拍照。 所有演講和學生表演讓集會持續了比程序單上列出的時間多出了兩個小時。 新幾內亞的文化活動往往都是這樣。


Most schools closeup the last of week of November and then have a long break for the next two months. Thus, other PIM schools also had graduations.  Kesu Primary at Oum village followed Ambunti by a day and had a graduation. Our Manger Rueben Wak attended and spoke there. At other schools the elementary grade 2 classes have a graduation ceremony too.

大多數學校在 11 月的最後一周停課,然後在接下來的兩個月裡有一個長假。 因此,其他 PIM 學校也有畢業典禮。歐烏姆 村的柯素小學的畢業典禮比安布恩提晚一天了。 我們的經理魯班.瓦克出席了並在那裡發表演說。 在其他學校,小學(elementary)二年級也有畢業典禮。


We pray along with the parents that as these young people progress in their education, that God’s Spirit would work and cause them to grow in the faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior


We praise God for the blessings of this past year, and look forward to the coming the year that God may be magnified. Thank you for your support of PIM.

  Yours in Christ,           Douglas Heidema




Hepsiva Wak gives class speech


PIM manager Rueben Wak presents certificates at Kesu Primary 8th grade graduation.


A puddle from a heavy rain didn’t stop this class with their presentation at the Kesu



Tongujam Elementary Grade 2 graduation of 38 students.


Teacher Albert Sailas with three other teachers receive gifts of appreciation from their students 


Teacher Tomas Jisaka also had a son graduate.


In December sunrises and sunsets no longer hide behind the mountains and hills of Ambunti.   So, mornings and late evenings have a special low angle of the light which makes everything look bright, sharp and fresh. Photographers call these times for photos the golden hour. This earthly visual beautiful can make our hearts joyful. However just imagine the celestial beauties which await us in the new Jerusalem.


The shepherds watching their sheep saw and heard a heavenly host of angels saying, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.”


May the joy of the Lord fill your heart.

在十二月,日出和日落不再隱藏在安布恩提的山脈和丘陵後面。 因此,早晨和傍晚有一個特殊的低角光線,使一切看起來明亮、又鮮麗。 攝影師將這些時間稱為拍照的黃金時刻。 這種塵世的視覺之美可以讓我們的心愉悅。 讓我們想像一下在新耶路撒冷等待著我們的天國美景。



