Oct. 2023

PO Box 1765,  Grass Valley, CA  95945 

https://www.piministries.com/index.html office@piministries.com

Dear Friends,

For the first time, both the Kooyers Primary School (Ambunti) and the Kesu Primary (Oum village) have grade 8 classes. At the end of the year students will be required to pass 4 days of exams before they can be accepted to grades 9 and 10.  The educational system in PNG has these nationwide exams first at grade 8, then again at grades 10 and 12 and each time only those with the highest scores can continue on to higher education.


安布恩提的庫耶爾小學和歐烏姆村的可蘇小學首次開設 8 年級班級。 年底,學生們依規定要通過天的考試,然後才能進入9 年級和10 年級。新幾內亞的教育系統裡,次會考是8 年級,然後10 年級和12 年級。每次會考,只有那些得分在尖端的人才能繼續接受高等教育。


Anxious parents look to the future and desire that their children succeed and advance educationally, therefore each day they stop their normal activities to in some way support their sons and daughters. Also, while these exams take place, others in the community try not to schedule any events and even midweek church activities get canceled.



The eight teachers who work at the Kooyers Primary school with 290+ students also want to see the students excel in the exams as through the years they have taught many of these students.  The early grades begin with the greatest student numbers and in grade 8 this year it started with 25 but 7 students transferred when their parents moved.


PIM teachers have an important role in preparing, molding, and instructing these young people. A visitor starting from the earliest grade could hear the difference in depth and complexity when progressing from class by class to the higher grades.   At our PIM schools each of the lower grades use curriculum produced by the mission which is in Melanesian Tok Pisin. This bridges to English when the higher grades use the curriculum provided by the Department of Education as well as other literature published by the mission for Christian education. Not all students come from Christian homes, thus significantly the essential truths of God’s Word can be heard daily by every student.


It is well to note that two teachers in particular, Samuel Vitus and his wife Priscilla (Kasen) have made it possible for PIM’s sponsored school at Ambunti to have the grade 8 class. Priscilla came first to work as the principal when there were only 7 grades at the PIM school and then this year her husband joined the staff at Ambunti allowing grade 8 to be added.  Both met at the same teachers college in the highlands of PNG, then graduated and began working in schools of the highlands continuing there for almost twelve years. PIM rejoices that they now both can be with us in Ambunti.



Apply your heart to instruction
and your ear to words of knowledge.
  Proverbs 23:12



Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.


Yours in Christ,


Douglas Heidema
