Nov. 2022

PO Box 1765, Grass Valley, CA 95945


Dear Friends,

Life in a remote PNG village with little development has challenges and among them is lack of access to healthcare. Almost twenty-ϐive years ago PIM began to expand its work in health. For several years a short-term team of doctors and students from Stanford University came and gave courses training PIM teachers and others to give some base level healthcare. The trainees returned to their villages with medical supplies including antibiotics and malaria treatment. After several years, the improvements in the health situation were obvious to the returning medical team members. Those new to the team were prepared to see cases matching the pictures taken by the previous teams. The question came up, “has anyone seen a tropical ulcer?” But no one saw one, which showed excellent improvement in village health. They had learned that treating wounds and cuts while small prevented these terrible wounds from developing.



John Yuwar reported to board the following: PIM Health Services supervises six health facilities with five healthcare workers. A population of 10,337 is currently served under our health program. The services provided by our health program include outpatient, inpatient, antenatal and obstetric care. June 28th 2022, Pacific Island Ministries was approved as a full member of the PNG Christian Health Services during their national assembly in Port Moresby. We are currently working closely with Christian Health Services with a goal of expanding our program to include a total of seventeen positions. These positions would consist of three administrators, two support staff, nine community Health Workers, and three registered Nursing Officers. We trust the new personnel will contribute to the success of our health program. A well-trained workforce is the key to provide services in health care for many.

約翰·尤瓦爾(John Yuwar)向理監事會報告指出:PIM衛生服務部門監督六個擁有大量醫護人員的醫療機構。目前,我們的健康設施為10337人口提供服務。我們的健康設施提供的服務包括門診、住院、產前和產科護理。2022 6 28 日,PIM (太島宣教事工)在莫爾茲比港舉行的國民大會上被批准為巴布亞新幾內亞基督教衛生服務協會的正式會員。我們目前正在與基督教健康服務協會密切合作,目標是擴大我們的計劃,共17個職位。這些職位將包括三名行政人員、兩名支助人員、九名社區衛生工作者和三名註冊護理人員。我們相信新員工將為我們的健康計劃的成功做出貢獻。訓練有素的工作人力是為許多人提供醫療保健服務的關鍵。

John has a passion for health work and when he was serving at a village clinic often prayed with his patients, knowing full well that it is God who is ultimately our Healer.


In Christ, Douglas Heidema


Showing off the family’s pet Victoria Crowned Pigeon in Tongajam.


Also the village has a stick bridge used by students heading over to the school rather than canoeing.